Source code coloring is something we have extensively discussed in the past. It would be enough to make the source editor a DOM editable document, and apply a set of <span> styles in the source text. So far, so good.
While this thing is definitely doable we found out that it brings more problems than benefits. All problems turn around the same fact: the source editor would become an HTML enabled editor controlled by the browser. And here we have the most critical problems:
It would be possible to paste rich content on it. One would go to MS Word, copy something there and past it in the source, which would render that as HTML, showing images, tables, lists, headings, etc. I mean, not showind those things as HTML source, but really rendering them.
The same problem with Drag and Drop... you would be able to drop text, as well as images in the source (not the HTML of the image... the rendered image).
The fact is that, in source view, pasting operations are too important, and it is well know that browsers give a quite limited support for us to properly handle pasting.
The above are just a few examples of the problems, but I'm sure we would be facing several browser weirdnesses related to it.
In any case, this is something we could at least give a try as an optional plugin. In the "use at your own risk" fashion.
Another optional plugin to keep in mind could use EditArea, which seems to do a great job in this sense. It is not that lightweight, but it could be an option to those who want it.
By default, V3 should come with a stable and lightweight solution for it. Which right now still point us to the plain textarea.
I think you are overcomplicating things here. Adding a Find & Replace function in the Source view just makes it easier to clean up after a paste from Word. For instance, I paste tons of stuff from university prospectuses, all in tables, and unfortunately the tables end up with different widths. Currently I have to copy the stuff back out of FCK into an HTML editor do eg. a find on "width=637" and replace with "width=640", and paste the HTML back into FCK.
Any update on this issue? I found and it was closed and marked as Duplicate. But the duplicate ticket is only talking about Find functionality. It does not talk about Replace functionality. Browsers do not have Replace.
Re: Source View requests
See 22709#p22709
Re: Source View requests
Source code coloring is something we have extensively discussed in the past. It would be enough to make the source editor a DOM editable document, and apply a set of <span> styles in the source text. So far, so good.
While this thing is definitely doable we found out that it brings more problems than benefits. All problems turn around the same fact: the source editor would become an HTML enabled editor controlled by the browser. And here we have the most critical problems:
The fact is that, in source view, pasting operations are too important, and it is well know that browsers give a quite limited support for us to properly handle pasting.
The above are just a few examples of the problems, but I'm sure we would be facing several browser weirdnesses related to it.
In any case, this is something we could at least give a try as an optional plugin. In the "use at your own risk" fashion.
Another optional plugin to keep in mind could use EditArea, which seems to do a great job in this sense. It is not that lightweight, but it could be an option to those who want it.
By default, V3 should come with a stable and lightweight solution for it. Which right now still point us to the plain textarea.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn
Re: Source View requests
Adding a Find & Replace function in the Source view just makes it easier to clean up after a paste from Word.
For instance, I paste tons of stuff from university prospectuses, all in tables, and unfortunately the tables end up with different widths.
Currently I have to copy the stuff back out of FCK into an HTML editor do eg. a find on "width=637" and replace with "width=640", and paste the HTML back into FCK.
Re: Source View requests
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn
Re: Source View requests
Any update on this issue?
I found and it was closed and marked as Duplicate. But the duplicate ticket is only talking about Find functionality. It does not talk about Replace functionality. Browsers do not have Replace.
Can this be for earlier FCK release?