I am using the basic approach in ckeditor/_samples/replacebyclass.html, and I would like the editor to be taller, with a height of something like 100%, 95%, or 800px.
Not sure why that's not working for you, but I actually change the height elsewise; Not sure why I did it this way (perhaps I never got it to work in 2.x?), but I set the CSS height of the textarea before using replace(). Are you replacing a textarea by any chance..?
keilaron wrote:Not sure why that's not working for you, but I actually change the height elsewise; Not sure why I did it this way (perhaps I never got it to work in 2.x?), but I set the CSS height of the textarea before using replace(). Are you replacing a textarea by any chance..?
Thank you; yes, I am replacing a textarea. At least on Firefox 3.0.14, I don't observe any change by changing the number of rows or by setting a CSS height of 100% or 800px.
ffo2lp wrote:I had the same problem try putting it in the replace function but make sure to add extraPlugins : 'uicolor'. For some reason that made it work.
ffo2lp wrote:I had the same problem try putting it in the replace function but make sure to add extraPlugins : 'uicolor'. For some reason that made it work.
Where did you put that? I tried putting the text you provided in the HTML page just before the </body> tag, and I didn't observe different behavior.
Thank you,
I found my problem; I had not used the name/ID of the textarea in lieu of 'page_body', and it works with a specified height in pixels (but not '100%').
Re: Set height for CKeditor?
Have a look at this post:
Re: Set height for CKeditor?
Thank you. I've changed the definition in ckeditor/config.js to:
Submitting, hitting shift-reload, etc. do not seem to change the loaded height.
Am I doing something wrong?
Re: Set height for CKeditor?
Re: Set height for CKeditor?
<script type="text/javascript">
CKEDITOR.replace( 'page_body',
extraPlugins : 'uicolor',
height: '800px',
} );
Re: Set height for CKeditor?
Thank you; yes, I am replacing a textarea. At least on Firefox 3.0.14, I don't observe any change by changing the number of rows or by setting a CSS height of 100% or 800px.
Re: Set height for CKeditor?
Where did you put that? I tried putting the text you provided in the HTML page just before the </body> tag, and I didn't observe different behavior.
Thank you,
Re: Set height for CKeditor?
What can I do to make this work?
This is my code:
<script type="text/javascript">
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1',
skin : 'office2003',
height: '100%'
I really love the new CKEditor - espcially with the scayt build in, so I would like to update my cutesoft editor.
Re: Set height for CKeditor?
I found my problem; I had not used the name/ID of the textarea in lieu of 'page_body', and it works with a specified height in pixels (but not '100%').
Re: Set height for CKeditor?
Re : Set height for CKeditor?
Read the below article. There you will get to know step by step procedure of changint height of ckeditor.
Hope this Helps..