Hi, I am looking for an example (source code) that creates a dropdown menu while you type in the editor. That is, the user types, I'd like to display a drop down menu with suggestions, something like this....(see attachment).
P.S I found a posting about ~ 2 years ago....
I was wondering if a plugin was ever developed...if so, could someone share the code.
Thanks in advance,
Tue, 11/03/2009 - 23:27
Re: dropdown menu within ckeditor
Re: dropdown menu within ckeditor
do you know if a plugin that supports this functionality is currently being developed? That is, is that something that you anticipated to be available on a future release? If so, when should we expect it?
On a side note, has anyone else ever done anything like this?
Re: dropdown menu within ckeditor
the following site has a sample of autopop for a regular text box...it would be nice if the same could be done inside the ckeditor as the user types:
http://www.hscripts.com/scripts/JavaScr ... e-form.php
Re: dropdown menu within ckeditor
Here is how to get it to work:
1. copy adico folder to the plugins folder
2. add the following to config.js file:
config.extraPlugins = 'adico';
3. copy adico.css file to _samples folder
4. Add the following to your html file:
<link href="adico.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
5. add the following to the body of your html:
<div class="shadow" id="shadow"><div class="output" id="output"></div></div>
Try it out and let me know if you run into any problems...and suggestions.
Future Todos:
1. Multiple editors on the same page
2. auto text for multiple words on the same line
a special thanks to Vidar who helped me get the cursor positionadico.zip
Re: dropdown menu within ckeditor
Thank you for your plugin, I was looking for something like that for long !
After testing and modify it, I've made it work for both IE/FF (using innerText for IE and textContent for FF).
Now I have troubles to make it working on a single line (many suggestions on the same line instead of a new paragraph each time).
I have different behaviour in FF too, when I choose a suggested word the cursor always come back before the choosen word.
Did you work on it since your last post ??
Thanx for your work !
Re: dropdown menu within ckeditor
I am glad you were able to use my plugin. Instead of catching the "keydown" event, I changed it to catch the "keyup" event. Try that and let me know. If you're still having issues, post a sample of your code and I'll take a look.
Re: dropdown menu within ckeditor
I've already tried with keyup event but it makes problems in FF.
Here is the code :
var cursor = {x:0, y:0, keydown:false};
// plugin to get the cursor position
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'adico',
beforeInit : function( editor )
editor.on( 'contentDom', function(ev)
// onKeyDown
this.document.on( 'keydown', function(ev)
if (!ev)
var dummyElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img',
attributes :
src : 'null',
width : 0,
height : 0
editor.insertElement( dummyElement );
var obj = dummyElement.$;
cursor.x = 0;
cursor.y = 0;
cursor.keydown = false;
while (obj.offsetParent)
cursor.x += obj.offsetLeft;
cursor.y += obj.offsetTop;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
cursor.x += obj.offsetLeft;
cursor.y += obj.offsetTop;
cursor.keydown = true;
keyHandler(ev.data.getKeystroke(), editor);
window.parent.document.title = "top: " + cursor.y + ", left: " + cursor.x;
// B E G G I N I N G O F A U T O T E X T L O G I C
// Global Variable(s) declaration
var templateList = new Array("test","testing","tool","b","adico","kleenex","tea","ice","avaya","pain","bank","back","peter","hindu","huge","test","bums","cat","santiago",
"gift","java","junction","vegetable","fan","north","nest","winter","nation","carry","dance","danger","iteration","facile","yahoo","yolo", "quicksilver",
var cssOutput;
var oldins;
var posi = -1;
var words = new Array();
var input;
var strLen = 0;
function init()
cssOutput = document.getElementById("output");
window.setInterval("evaluateAt()", 100);
function setVisible(strVisi)
cssOutput = document.getElementById("output");
var cssShadow = document.getElementById("shadow");
if (cursor.keydown == true)
cssShadow.style.top = cursor.y + 180 + "px"; // TODO: still need some work
cssShadow.style.left = cursor.x + 40 + "px"; // TODO: still need some work
cssShadow.style.width = strLen*8+"px";
if (cssOutput)
cssOutput.style.width = strLen*8+"px";
if (cssShadow)
cssShadow.style.visibility = strVisi;
function addWord(word)
var sp = document.createElement("div");
sp.onmouseover = mouseHandler;
sp.onmouseout = mouseHandlerOut;
sp.onclick = mouseClick;
cssOutput.style.hideFocus = true;
function clearOutput()
while (cssOutput.hasChildNodes())
posi = -1;
function getWord(beginning)
strLen = 0;
var words = new Array();
for (var i=0; i < templateList.length; ++i)
var j = -1;
var correct = 1;
while (correct == 1 && ++j < beginning.length)
if (templateList[i].charAt(j) != beginning.charAt(j))
correct = 0;
if (correct == 1)
str = templateList[i];
if (str.length > strLen)
strLen = str.length;
words[words.length] = templateList[i];
return words;
function evaluateAt()
if (!editor || !editor.getSelection())
// get user's input inside the curEditor
if(CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.mac || CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
var userInput = editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$.textContent;
var userInput = editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$.innerText;
if (oldins == userInput)
else if (posi > -1);
else if (userInput.length > 0)
words = getWord(userInput);
if (words.length > 0)
for (var i=0;i < words.length; ++i)
addWord (words[i]);
if(CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.mac || CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
input = editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$.textContent;
input = editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$.innerText;
posi = +1;
posi = -1;
oldins = userInput;
function keyHandler(keyPress, editor)
if (document.getElementById("shadow").style.visibility == "visible")
var text = editor.document.getBody().getText();
// text = all the text in texteditor
if (keyPress == 40) //key down
if (words.length > 0 && posi <= words.length-1)
if (posi >=0)
setColor(posi, "#fff", "black");
input = text;
if (posi <= words.length-1)
setColor(posi, "blue", "white");
text = cssOutput.childNodes[posi].firstChild.nodeValue;
else if (keyPress == 38) //Key up
if (words.length > 0 && posi >= 0)
if (posi >=1)
setColor(posi, "#fff", "black");
setColor(--posi, "blue", "white");
text = cssOutput.childNodes[posi].firstChild.nodeValue;
setColor(posi, "#fff", "black");
text = input;
else if (keyPress == 27) // Esc
text = input;
posi = -1;
oldins = input;
else if (keyPress == 8) // Backspace
posi = -1;
else if (keyPress == 13) // Enter
// If Enter pressed without selecting a suggested word
if (posi <= -1 || posi >= words.length)
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
oldins = words[posi];
if(CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.mac || CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$.textContent = oldins;
editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$.innerText = oldins;
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
posi = -1;
var mouseHandler=function()
for (var i=0; i < words.length; ++i)
setColor (i, "white", "black");
this.style.background = "blue";
this.style.color = "white";
var mouseHandlerOut=function()
this.style.background = "white";
this.style.color = "black";
var mouseClick=function()
// Make undo snapshot.
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
oldins = this.firstChild.nodeValue;
if(CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.opera || CKEDITOR.env.mac || CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$.textContent = oldins;
editor.getSelection().getStartElement().$.innerText = oldins;
editor.fire( 'saveSnapshot' );
posi = -1;
function setColor (_posi, _color, _forg)
if (_posi > -1 && _posi <= words.length-1)
cssOutput.childNodes[_posi].style.background = _color;
cssOutput.childNodes[_posi].style.color = _forg;
Close to yours, just added conditions for browsers.
Did you find a solution to suggest many words in the same line without creating a new paragraph ?
Re: dropdown menu within ckeditor
yes I did, I wrote my own:
take a look at the following post (plugin.js): viewtopic.php?f=11&t=16483&start=10
The following explains how to get the text from cursor position:
add the following to your plugin
Re: [RESOLVED] - dropdown menu within ckeditor
Unfortunately it doesn't work with the code you just gave me.
Could you attach your working plugin.js file directly ?
Many thanx for this
Re: [RESOLVED] - dropdown menu within ckeditor
I have a probleme with this line (in the setCursorPos function) :
var objRange = editor.document.$.selection.createRange();
>> editor.document.$.selection is undefined
I've inserted the code and related functions you gave me, but after working on it still doesn't work ...
Maybe the best should be to provide a new zip with your updated code, it would be very appreciated !
Re: [RESOLVED] - dropdown menu within ckeditor
i.e: var xxx = getCharFromPos(myEditor) >> function getCharFromPos(editor) { .... }
For me myEditor name is editor, my problems come from here you think ?
Thanx !!
Re: [RESOLVED] - dropdown menu within ckeditor
Here is a small working version of the code...this is all the help I can provide for now