Hello, I am upgrading a heavily modified version of FCKeditor to ckeditor (basically starting over).
When toggling between WYSIWYG and Source, I perform many custom dom manipulations using jQuery. In FCKEditor, I would manipulate the editorDocument using basic jquery commands. For example I may have a select box in WYSIWYG that I remove and replace with a span when switching to source and vice versa.
I see the ckeditor has nice htmlFilter.addRules() and dataFilter.addRules() handlers for operations to perform when switching modes though it seems that the manipulation you can perform here is very limited (to things like changing element attributes).
Is the a place where I can do all of my editorDocument manipulations AFTER the source command is fired but BEFORE the the html is sent to the htmlParser?
When toggling between WYSIWYG and Source, I perform many custom dom manipulations using jQuery. In FCKEditor, I would manipulate the editorDocument using basic jquery commands. For example I may have a select box in WYSIWYG that I remove and replace with a span when switching to source and vice versa.
I see the ckeditor has nice htmlFilter.addRules() and dataFilter.addRules() handlers for operations to perform when switching modes though it seems that the manipulation you can perform here is very limited (to things like changing element attributes).
Is the a place where I can do all of my editorDocument manipulations AFTER the source command is fired but BEFORE the the html is sent to the htmlParser?