Hi !
First of all, thanks for this great CK release !
But i still don't understand why you keep ckfinder as a different project,
with a different licence.. To eat i guess..
Ok. My question is about how integrate a filemanager to ckfinder.
To launch a filemanager thru CKeditor with 'Browse Server' button,
ok it's quit easy , for example to use MyFileManager (it doesn't exist... for now)
CKEDITOR.replace( 'body' ,{ filebrowserBrowseUrl : '/MyFileManager.php' });
but the only consequence is to call /MyFileManager.php?CKEditor=body&CKEditorFuncNum=1&langCode=fr
in a new window. That's great BUT:
I would be able to fill back the URL field of CKeditor file details.. but i can't figure how handle this field !
My question is how can i access this field ?
Waiting for your tips !
Thanks !!
Mon, 09/14/2009 - 12:47