I have download the Longtail JW Player Plugin for CKEDITOR 3.4.2 and its perfect. But I cant get the multiple skin get to work only the default skin works.
Any idea why the mp3 for example is not loading? The jwplayer is showing properly and seems to cache the whole mp3 but it doesn't start streaming that. No javascript errors at all in the console.
Re: Longtail JW Player Pugin for CKEDITOR 3.4.2
Re: Longtail JW Player Pugin for CKEDITOR 3.4.2
video is placed at the end of document, not in place edition was started?
Re: Longtail JW Player Pugin for CKEDITOR 3.4.2
I have download the Longtail JW Player Plugin for CKEDITOR 3.4.2 and its perfect.
But I cant get the multiple skin get to work only the default skin works.
I hope somebody have the solution.
Re: Longtail JW Player Pugin for CKEDITOR 3.4.2
The jwplayer is showing properly and seems to cache the whole mp3 but it doesn't start streaming that.
No javascript errors at all in the console.
Any ideas?
thanks your works.
thanks your works JW Player Pugin for CKEDITOR
How can i add 'provider' and 'streamer' options your plugin?
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/jwplayer-v582011.js'></script> <div id='mediaspace'>This text will be replaced</div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
jwplayer('mediaspace').setup({ 'flashplayer': 'swf/player-v582011.swf', 'image': 'userfiles/images/', 'start': '0', 'autostart': 'true', 'bufferlength': '2', 'provider': 'rtmp', 'file': 'mp4:alpbugdayci01072011/yasakfilm-1.mp4', 'streamer': 'rtmp://www.alpbugdayci.com/vod/mp4:_definst_', 'controlbar': 'bottom', 'width': '590', 'height': '496' });