Well, what I think is that it works.. - It's a way to use ckeditor with .net.. Whether it's efficient or not I cant tell you, but in any way it is still loads faster than the fckeditor, and in generel faster and smoother..
Since I dont see any other options, this one is marked "best", so far..
Re: Integration of CKEditor into a .Net Control like FCKEditor?
I have heard they shouldnt have dropped it, but i don't think they will make it any time soon though..
One a few days ago I actually asked the same thing, no official answer, but there is a way..
http://www.existenz-software.fr/main.as ... page=tools
there is though a pretty big bug in this, which first are fixed due feburary, but it is pretty easy to fix:
it's the path to ckeditor.
In the file ckHeader.cs
In the region "storage variables"
and the private string _path
It should really be:
private string _path="/ckeditor";
Instead of:
private string _path="ckeditor";
Re: Integration of CKEditor into a .Net Control like FCKEditor?
Whether it's efficient or not I cant tell you, but in any way it is still loads faster than the fckeditor, and in generel faster and smoother..
Since I dont see any other options, this one is marked "best", so far..