I had an idea a while ago for a "microtemplates" feature, whereby individual templates in fcktemplates.xml could be marked as "inline" or something along those lines. They would could be inserted into the editor at the caret position (rather than replacing the whole document as normally happens). This would require minimal configuration change, and I imagine inserting the templates rather than just replacing everything shouldn't be too difficult. The inline templates could either be on a separate drop-down, or somehow indicated in the existing drop-down.
This was partly prompted by reading this post: http://www.fckeditor.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8995
A photo with a caption is one example of something that could be inserted into the document as a pre-defined block of html, and I can think of countless others.
Additionally, although that's a far more involved feature to implement, I thought it would be nice if specially formatted tokens could be included in the template, to be turned into placeholders to prompt the user to add content in different areas. Sort of like code snippets in Visual Studio and/or fields in Word templates.
Fri, 03/21/2008 - 15:19
Re: Inline "micro" templates
Re: Inline "micro" templates
Templates with proper editable fields would still be very cool IMO...