How do I check for a non-empty textarea, using CKEditor 3.x?
In FCKEditor I used:
FC_editor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance("instance-name")
if (isBlank(FC_editor.GetHTML()))
This obviously does not work with CKeditor. Can someone please tell me how this is done now? I have pages with multiple instances of the editor and need to check each textarea separately.
In FCKEditor I used:
FC_editor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance("instance-name")
if (isBlank(FC_editor.GetHTML()))
This obviously does not work with CKeditor. Can someone please tell me how this is done now? I have pages with multiple instances of the editor and need to check each textarea separately.
Re: How to check non-empty textarea?
I found the answer in the basic docs. How did I miss it????
It is:
if (isBlank(CKEDITOR.instances.textarea-name.getData())) { etc...