Let me recall to all of you the current naming problem we are facing with FCKeditor:
http://docs.fckeditor.net/FCKeditor_3.x ... Rebranding
Several months ago we have started a forum thread to discuss this issue publicly:
We had a lot of feedback for it. At the same time, we have started a poll in that forum thread, as well as another dedicated poll. You can check its results here:
These numbers express pretty well the importance of this issue.
Now, after a lot of talking and thinking, it's time to make the final decision about it. This is a crucial moment for us.
Considering all marketing issues related to this rebranding, the final conclusion is that the ideal solution should not be completely changing the name. After all, FCKeditor is well accepted, apart for its name. So, the final proposal for it is simply: CKEditor.
The "F" has been dropped from "FCK", and the "E" is now uppercased to avoid the confusion we had in the past.
Even if this name is not the perfect solution for a new editor product, it is proving to be the best compromise for a successful name changing in our case.
This change would also allow us following a product like with the CK prefix: CKEditor, CKFinder, CKPackager, etc.
Now, the questions:
- How all this thing looks like?
- Will we face similar "fck" problems with the new name?
Thanks for your opinions.
Re: Final words about the editor name change
Those that want to play like a child can keep on adding things to the name, but for the rest of the people it's just a name, it's easy to recognize that it's coming from the previous version so people won't be confused and new users won't be able to complain about bad words.
Re: Final words about the editor name change
Re: Final words about the editor name change
Why not just rename it the Pascal-way:

fckEditor ?
The dirty-mind-food's gone and the name is intact - as well as appeal to developers..
I don't mind changes though, but I would not recommend a name change this drastic if
reputation and what is established is important for the product. If a name change is needed,
the name need to be really good and catchy to compensate the loss of brand value, as well
as the effort that need to be invoked to "tell everyone" (press-releases etc. etc.). Rumours
tend to take some time..
I honestly never assosiated FCKEditor with any bad words (only a good web based editor), but then again,
I'm not native english. And does it really matter if some have a "dirty mind" as long as they use the editor?
I would say that it has some kind of PR-value
Re: Final words about the editor name change
@Optisoft, a long discussion has already been taken about the name change. Be sure we have thought about all possible options. Thanks for your opinion.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: Final words about the editor name change
good choice Frederico, I think it's great!

'CKEditor' makes me think of the word cake. Not saying that's a bad thing, just thought I'd point it out.
Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
I also see CAKE
Just one possible problem occurred to me: the initials CK are already strongly associated with the Calvin Klein brand. I don't think it's a huge deal though.
Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
Fortunately both "cake" and "Calvin Klein" are good things... so no problem.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
I still prefer a more radical namechange (see the bunch of names I proposed back in the old topic), but CKEditor does remain recognizable though...
Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
A note about the name change.
The FCKeditor will still be used for the 2.x branch. We'll commit the name change for CKEditor 3.0, which would be formerly called FCKeditor 3.0, code name V3.
So, you will still see a lot of FCKeditor around there. CKEditor will be a completely new thing, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
Follow us on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | LinkedIn
Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
I've just started a discussion about the CKEditor domain:
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
I realize I am new to this discussion, as I have only recently decided to use Fckeditor in my projects (switching from TinyMce), but I was l was always amazed that such a great product would have such a risky name. What were you thinkin?)
As product designer and marketeer, let me say that CKEditor is not just weak, but very weak, in my opinion.
1) CK is a famous trademark for Calvin Klein, and not one, but three people have already asked me if they were connected.
2) It sounds like an Acronym for something, and thus, needs to be explained. Telling users it's the last two letters of the founder's name sounds a bit strained and silly.
3) It's about as unique and memorable as a blade of grass.
4) It's boring in the extreme. Why not just called it "BlandEditor?"
5) It has little descriptive value, catchiness, market focus, or much of anything to redeem it.
In short, it's a terrible name, in my view. I don't know who tested it, if anyone, but i can't see a focus group even considering it without dismissing it out of hand.
What should it be?
Someone had suggested "Freditor." Since millions know the "F" connection, this works for me. Yes, it's a bit egocentric, and might offend other team members, but that's up to them. I liked it. It's catchy, graphically interesting, cute, easy to remember, and easy to say.
I could think of many others, but I think if you're still willing to change it before it's released (I would urge this), just set up a forum called "NAME OUR PRODUCT" and yet your users suggest, vote, whatever.
My .02 cents
Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
I would be much happier to continue with our current name, but we are forced to "fix" it. So, as a fix, we decided to continue with the same line, applying a minor change to it, instead of a drastic move. Considering the reason for the change and the current state of things, I think that this decision makes a lot of sense.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
Freditor was my favourite name... and I don't necessarily think that the "brand identification" argument needs to be such a strong factor in the decision. People who know of FCK would very quickly realise the name had changed whatever it changed to... you would still have fckeditor.net to ensure this.
I'm sure everyone has thought this through long and hard, and there has to come a point where you just go with the choice that seems best to you at that time, since everyone has a different opinion, and you'd spend forever talking about it otherwise...
However it's probably a little late for these sort of discussions. This has a hint of "holy way" about it so I should probably step away
Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
It occurred to me that, provided the name works well on most marketing levels, it doesnt really matter that much as the name can change in future if the product morphs into something bigger, or indeed different than its current form - Azureus / Vuze being one example. I'm sure most of us that have hung our professional hats on Fredrico's excellent product over the past three or four years expect that it will continue to grow over many years, and may indeed find many names. Its particularly nice that Fredrico's personal identity is still associated with the name.
Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
Companies and products change names all the time in the marketplace. If done right, it can be a positive step.

I have to agree with those who associate the name "FCKeditor" with being not far off from that F-word. Personally, it doesn't offend or bother me one bit. But, unless you are purposely trying to make the name sound similar to a naughty word, it won't hurt to change it. FCUK isn't a good example here, because they knew that their acronym was similar to the F-word, and it was done on purpose. It's also why FCUK t-shirts have been banned in schools and workplaces by overly-sensitive people in the USA. And recently, a song titled "If U Seek Amy" by Britney Spears is being banned by radio stations because some people think it sounds like you are spelling out that bad F-word when you say the title aloud.
So, considering these things, and the fact that the creator doesn't really want his wonderful product to be associated with a sexually-explicit word (even though they are his initials), then I think he is making the right decision to change the name.
It's a good name. One less letter changes it completely. First thing that springs to my mind is Calvin Klein, who made the CK initials famous worldwide. But that association may only exist in the USA. I'm not sure what the logo image is supposed to be in the blue box, but, it's a good start!
The years spent building the FCKeditor brand won't be all for nothing. It will be very useful for bringing recognition to the new brand and product name, until eventually CKEditor supercedes FCKeditor in a few years. I see there is already a holding page for ckeditor.com with a new logo and color scheme.
Best of luck with the new branding, logo and product name!
Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor
You were fast monty! We've just published the beta site for CKEditor 3.0 and you already got the new logo here
We are making some final checks to release a news at fckeditor.net about it.
We are working on our entire branding concept. CKEditor is part of a product line, which also contains CKFinder. Both products will share the same basic lines in the logo.
Things are slowly moving forward... for good. Stay in touch! There is much more to come in the next months.
Thanks for the nice message.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: Final words about the editor name change: CKEditor