When an editor instance is created , destroyed and recreated, then dropdown boxes in 'font', 'style', 'size' etc. don't work. It also happens in sample demo 'ajax.html' attached with the download. It happens on FF, IE6, 7..
I'm getting following error:
this.$ is undefined on line
"else if(k.$.attachEvent)k.$.attachEvent(....previousSibling.nodeType==3)continue;\r\n" in ckeditor.js
1. How can I fix it? There is similar threadhttp://cksource.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=16383&start=0 which wasn't answered.
2. how can I debug ckeditor?
Full call stack:
this.$ is undefined
anonymous("_cke_nativeListeners")ckeditor.js (line 11)
anonymous("blur")ckeditor.js (line 10)
anonymous(149, Object $=a type=1, 4, Object name=r, Object name=s)ckeditor.js (line 79)
anonymous(a javascript...id('Font'))ckeditor.js (line 86)
anonymous()ckeditor.js (line 9)
anonymous(98)ckeditor.js (line 9)
function onclick(event) { CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(98, this); return false; }(click clientX=595, clientY=252)6 (line 2)
[Break on this error] else if(k.$.attachEvent)k.$.attachEvent(....previousSibling.nodeType==3)continue;\r\n
Mon, 11/09/2009 - 06:34
Re: Create and destroy editor instances for Ajax applications
OK, This is a known bug.
Re: Create and destroy editor instances for Ajax applications