Is there a way to automatically clean MSO tags when a user pastes from word?
Perhaps I can run the "paste from word" function when a user pastes data into the editor?
This is such an important, overlooked feature to developers of WYSIWYGs.
I'd say roughly half or more people using WYSIWYG are going to paste from Word. But a lot more than half never rememeber to click "paste from word"
Wed, 09/30/2009 - 15:51
Re: Clean Word formatting automatically without "PasteFromW
No ideas? This is such an important feature.
Has anyone experimented with it before? Maybe you can trigger the word cleaning plugin on paste (CTRL+V and right-click)?
I have not yet tried my own solution, if someone else has it figured out
Re: Clean Word formatting automatically without "PasteFromW
i found this
Re: Clean Word formatting automatically without "PasteFromW
I have read all through the documentation as you are hinting. But my question refers to when you paste into the editor itself, is there some way to initiate the "PasteFromWord" plugin? Not whether or not the plugin strips the styles. I knew about that feature.
Re: Clean Word formatting automatically without "PasteFromW
Thanks for the remark, we also realized the importance of it, actually it will be a major feature of version, plz be patient about it: