I'm running into trouble using javascript or php invocations of ckeditor when I have an array of textareas.
Here's sample code:
<html> <body> <form> <textarea name="test[]">This is some text1.</textarea><br> <textarea name="test[]">This is some text2.</textarea><br> <textarea name="test[]">This is some text3.</textarea><br> <textarea name="test[]">This is some text4.</textarea><br> </form> <?php // Include CKEditor class. include("./ckeditor/ckeditor.php"); // Create class instance. $CKEditor = new CKEditor(); // Path to CKEditor directory, ideally instead of relative dir, use an absolute path: // $CKEditor->basePath = '/ckeditor/' // If not set, CKEditor will try to detect the correct path. $CKEditor->basePath = './ckeditor/'; // Replace all textareas with CKEditor. $CKEditor->replaceAll(); ?> </body> </html>
Re: Ckeditor with PHP arrays of textareas
Re: Ckeditor with PHP arrays of textareas
Re: Ckeditor with PHP arrays of textareas