Hi - I was able to do this easily in FCKEditor but not so much in CKEditor. How do I change the background colour of the editor from white to match my site?
Thank you Kellaron - I have tried the uiColor setting. It changes the color behind the toolbar but not the colour of the content area which remains white. I've tried applying styles to the text area tag but no joy there either.
Oh, you mean the entry area. Yeah, that requires you to change the styles for the body tag within the editor iframe... If I remember correctly, CK loads a stylesheet for that iframe, so you should be able to just edit that CSS file. Otherwise you might have to do it manually as lloydo did, or make it add a stylesheet and create one.
Re: Change background color of editor...
If you are not using the Kama skin, you may not be able to.
However, have you tried the uiColor setting? What have you tried?
Re: Change background color of editor...
Re: Change background color of editor...
changing CKEDITORBackGround var to the colour code you desire.
Re: Change background color of editor...
Re: Change background color of editor...
CKEDITOR.replace( 'pagecontent',
contentsCss : 'http://www.yoursite.com/css/style.css'
I have it working like this, in this css file have some basic styles like background-color, font-family and color etc set up for the body.
Re: Change background color of editor...