The following php file is suppose to display the complete program on my screen instead it just comes up with a box for me to enter my data. When I had FCKeditor it would come up with the complete editor. I am new at web page developement so if someone could tell what is wrong with my code I would greatly apprecate it.
<?php //if not logged in and not admin redirect to login page. if (!isset($_SESSION['user']) || $_SESSION['user']['isAdmin']==0) header('Location: index.php'); include("includes/header.php"); //$sValue = stripslashes( $_POST['message'] ) ; include_once("ckeditor/ckeditor.php") ; $edit = false; echo '<h3>Welcome, '.$_SESSION['user']['Username'].'</h3>'; switch($_GET['action']){ case "add": //check required fields if (!check_req('add')){ //display error echo Config::reqFields; } else { $notice = new Notice($_POST['subject'],$_POST['message']); try{ $notice->addNotice($db,$_SESSION['user']['Username']); $alert = "Notice was Posted"; unset($_POST); } catch (Exception $e) { $alert=$e->getMessage(); } } break; case "update": //check required fields if (!check_req('add')){ //display error echo Config::reqFields; } else { foreach($_SESSION['notices'] as $k=>$n){ if($n->noticeID == $_GET['id']){ try { $n->setMessage($_POST['message']); $n->subject = $_POST['subject']; $n->updateNotice($db, $_SESSION['user']['Username']); $alert = "Notice was updated"; } catch (Exception $e) { $alert=$e->getMessage(); } } } } case "edit": $id = $_GET['id']; $edit = true; //get all data (variables) to populate the form with the notice information being edited foreach($_SESSION['notices'] as $k=>$n){ if($n->noticeID == $id){ $title = $n->subject; $message = $n->getMessage(); } } break; } if (isset($alert))echo '<p class="info">'.$alert.'</p>'; ?> <h2>Post a Notice</h2> <form action="addnotice.php?action=<?php if($edit) echo 'update&id='.$id; else echo 'add';?>" method="post" id="editForm"> <div><label>Title: </label><input class="text" type="text" name="subject" value="<?php if($edit)echo $title; else echo $_POST['subject'];?>" /></div> <div><label>Message: </label><a class="help" href="" target="_blank" >( help )</a><br /> <textarea name="message"> <?php if(isset($id)) echo $message;//enter message data here else if (isset($_POST['message'])) echo $_POST['message']; else echo '<p>Enter your notice here. Use the features above to change font styles, add images, etc.<br /> Click the help link above for help with this editor.</p>' ; ?> </textarea> <script> $(function(){ $('textarea').fck({path: '/employees/ckeditor/'}); }); </script> </div> <div class="submit"><input type="submit" value="Update" class="submit" /></div> </form> <?php include("includes/footer.php"); ?>]