I've been reading the CKEditor API documentation http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/symbols/CKEDITOR.resourceManager.html and it has been somewhat helpful. However, I feel that the API documentation is not complete. That is, the document describes the 1st and 2nd layer of an object. For example, lets examine the following:
editor.getSelection() - this is documented on the API, but if you take a closer look at getSelection you'll find out that it has a few layers deep, such as .getSelection().getRange(), etc. (see attachment)
My question is, where can I find a full fledged API documentation of CKEditor. I believe that will eliminate a lot of questions on this forum if we can read it for ourselves.
CKEditor is a great tool and it merits a better API documentation.
I am aware that some of these methods are documented inside the code, but is there an API documentation? I've noticed that I am spending a lot of time looking through the actual code in order to understand that methods/properties CKEditor has to offer.
Fri, 11/06/2009 - 15:56
Re: CKEditor API documentation
But in your case, you are looking at the browser DOM, so you just need to get a good book on Javascript and the different DOM behavior in each browser. That's fully out of scope with regards to the CKEditor documentation.