I'm having trouble usinig the CKEditor with the .net updatepanel. The ckeditor will dissapear after the update, leaving only a textbox. I've upgraded from the FCKEditor .. fckeditor works fine.
I've tried
In the CKEditor_beginRequest javascript function I'm unable to destroy() the ckeditor instance. The instance shows up fine through debugging. If I try to create a new instance it says it already exists..
I'm hoping theres an easier solution to CKEditor and the updatepanel. I did set the updatePanel updatemode to conditional.
Hope someone can help me out with this ! =) I couldnt find a solution on this forum nor through google.
- Thanks, Josh
I've tried
if(Sys.WebForms && Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager) { pageRequestManager = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance(); } if (pageRequestManager !== null) { pageRequestManager.add_beginRequest(Function.createDelegate($get('" + this.ClientID + "'), CKEditor_beginRequest)); }
In the CKEditor_beginRequest javascript function I'm unable to destroy() the ckeditor instance. The instance shows up fine through debugging. If I try to create a new instance it says it already exists..
I'm hoping theres an easier solution to CKEditor and the updatepanel. I did set the updatePanel updatemode to conditional.
Hope someone can help me out with this ! =) I couldnt find a solution on this forum nor through google.
- Thanks, Josh