I know I must be missing something or doing something wrong. What I need to have is for the editor to fill a certain area on the screen, a table cell in this instance. And also have it resize to fill anytime the user resizes the window or other things occur on the page that would affect the available space, such as a notification banner we sometimes display. The contatining cell resizes fine using the html, css, and javascript we use. In fact the editor seems to fill width just fine, but it doesn't height-wise at all. ckeditor.resize() doesn't work when I try to manually set the height and width. It doesn't seem to honor the height portion properly. I also tried just setting the hight of the container element created for the ckeditor, but that seems to throw the editor to the top (like align:top) but the edit area doesn't stretched to fill out the extra space. My last effort will be to try to just destroy and recreate the editor when needed. This is not an optimal circumstance but it should work. Initializing the editor with certain heights and widths (not %) seems to work fine.
I appreciate any help or pointing to the right direction for informtion.
I appreciate any help or pointing to the right direction for informtion.
Re: Auto resizing or manual resizing editor
maybe the code sample below is helpful. i had troubles resizing the editor after creation too. then i found out, that the editor needs some time to be created. so i call the resize method when the editor fires the 'instanceReady' event.