It is convenient to manipulate your text with keyboard shortcuts. I am a fan of VIM, and planning to add the editing keystrokes similar to VIM in CKEditor. After two days' effort, I've populated the following 2 shortcuts on my site:
CTRL + L move cursor left and choose the text it move through
CTRL + H move cursor right and choose the text it move through
Next, I am going to implement CTRL + K/J to move cursor up/down to the another line, and other shortcuts to move cursor word by word. I am wondering if it's a better idea to use a command mode in CKEditor like VIM. Because there are so many shortcuts binded by browsers, no more room to add more shortcuts.
If you are interested in this functionality, figure it out at
Sun, 03/27/2011 - 11:06
Re: Add shortcuts to CKEditor