I am using CKEditor 3.0.1 with the following config. In /js/ckeditor/config.js i have
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { config.toolbar = 'Full'; config.width = 790; config.height = 600; config.resize_minWidth = 790; config.baseHref = 'http://www.mysite.com'; config.contentsCss = '/docs/general/style.css'; config.FillEmptyBlocks = false; config.FormatOutput = false; config.toolbar_CustomToolbar = [ ['Source','Save','PasteFromWord','SpellChecker','RemoveFormat'], ['Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','Subscript','Superscript'], ['NumberedList','BulletedList'], ['JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock'], '/', ['Link','Unlink','Anchor'], ['Image','Flash','Table','HorizontalRule','SpecialChar'], ['TextColor','BGColor'], ['ShowBlocks','Maximize'] ]; };
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Is there a solution to this?
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
I add some extra nodes(ie div or fieldset) to do some visual effects, and there are unexpected operations in the editor. Mostly it will add   in empty tags and sometimes insert empty paragraphs (also with   in it) following those nodes.
This occurs not only when I switch between source and editor but also when I click some buttons (ie change font or my custom save doc button). Even when I click in the textArea or move the cursor of the editor it may still do strange things (add some empty paragraphs with   in it).
I use the CKEditor 3.0.1 and test it under IE and Firefox. Does anyone know what's the problem?
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Has anyone found a solution to this?
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Do we have to make some manual change in any particular file.
The code that is ,mentioned about the filler node belongs to which class.
Thanks In advance
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
We have the same problem. Its been in existence for a while and still causes us problems in 3.4
Its also a problem with empty table rows.
We start with this:
<TD height=1></TD></TR>
and when saved from ckeditor it becomes:
<tr><td height="1"> </td></tr>
which completely changes the design/layout of the page.
Is there a simple way to disable the filler node ?
I can't find the above code anywhere ?
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Now we have a ticket tracking this issue and there'll be a config option fillEmptyBlock that up to you to decide the application of the fill node on each block.
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Can this not be a bug fix for the next minor release ?
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
I'm waiting for this too..
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
Are there any timeframes for when 3.5 will be released ?
Re: &nbsp; in empty tags (eg. <div class="clear-both
I am using the latest build 3.6.2 , In my configuration , fillEmptyBlocks is not set to false.
so when i have a block element with line breaks , the last line break becomes a
<div><br /><br /><br /></div>
becomes <div><br /><br /> </div>
I tried adding the Empty div filter , instead of removing all the div's children, I wrote code to check if the last child is a and in that case alone replace it with a <br/>
It is fine except when it replaces the space , in the source I see a <br/> How do I make it actually be a break ?
Thanks for your suggestions. I noticed this break issue recently and that's why upgraded to 3.6.2 version, but still the last line break is becoming a space.