Michael Osipov and Thilo Schwarz have worked hard during the last months to provide this brand new release of our Java integration package. Completely written from scratch, it leverages our Java code to provide the same quality and features available with other languages integrations.
This version is now managed with Maven 2, which reduces repetitive tasks dramatically. Because of Maven, a new Java dedicated web site is now up and running.
The library runs now from Servlet 2.4 and up, has more flexible tags, configurations moved to standard properties file, a state of the art logging system, a basic pluggable connector architecture and a much more reliable browser detection code. Check out "What's New?".
We are now under the stabilization process for this beta. Feel free to open tickets at our dev site, as well as discuss at our forums, giving your feedback... and enjoy it!
Wed, 05/21/2008 - 12:12