The team is proud to announce the release of CKEditor 4.1 RC. This version introduces a variety of new and exciting features that will greatly enhance CKEditor's configurability. Among other things, 4.1 RC includes something we call Advanced Content Filter (ACF) - a set of options that give you more control over content accepted by CKEditor. This Release Candidate should give everyone plenty of time to adjust to the new additions.
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Accessibility related plugins
Here are some must-haves for the 4.1 version from an accessibility-related standpoint:
To be able to mark up the language of parts of a text (foreign language words or phrases) is an essential part of having online texts read in an understandable way (=i.e. correct pronunciation!) by screen readers
Although the addon does a pretty good job in guessing the intended direction (row or col) of the scope attribute, sometimes it gets it wrongly, and also more complex tables with rowgroups or colgroups cannot at present be marked up properly without switching into source code view. The only thing missing for this is actually a dropdown for the scope values in the table cell popup...
Otherwise, I see CKE doing a pretty good job in generating cleanly structured markup of its generated content, making it especially desirable to have this added functionality on any standard package of future versions!
Accessibility related plugins
Although the addon does a pretty good job in guessing the intended direction row or col of the scope attribute sometimes it gets it wrongly and also more complex tables with rowgroups or colgroups cannot at present be marked up properly without switching into source code view.
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