hello wiktor and the team.
I'm getting an odd error when the connector initialises:
(larger screenshot here)
From looking at the source code for Connector.cs in CKFinder.Connector there are some comments about Master Pages and Themes being disabled because it interfere's with the reponse data.
The project i'm working on there is a blog as part of the site, most of the blog code is in a DLL, but I think the blog is using some sort of theming. Would this be what is causing the error?
What is the issue with the connector data being corrupt? Is there any sort of work around? It looks like the page content type is getting set incorrectly or something, but I can't figure out where.
Are you familiar with this error?
Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
There is definitely something there changing the output sent by the CKFinder connector. It could be a theme, but usually it just appends HTML to the output, and it looks like we have something else there.
It could be also that, somehow, the web server is gzip compressing the output, but without sending the compression headers (Content-Encoding: gzip).
Anyway... I think the best way to understand it is by precisely looking at the server response headers and body. For that, I would recommend using IE and Fiddler.
If you want us to take a look at it too, you can use "File > Save > Session(s) > in ArchiveZip" in the Fiddler menu. It will generate a .saz file, which you can attach here.
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
Thanks for your help - I was impressed with Fiddler; a tool for IE that is actually useful!
You were correct the server wascompressing the output, but it wasn't a server setting. BlogEngine.NET has an HTTP compression module, which is turned on by default. When I turned it off, the server set back the correct XML response. I'll take a look at the BlogEngine source and see what it was doing wrong.
I'm just about to go on holiday, when I get back i'm going to have a go at integrating FCKeditor into BlogEngine.NET, apparently its possible to create different editor providers; the default one is tiny_mce
For interest sake, I've attached a .saz file with two sessions, one session shows the connector loading (and the server breaking it) with HTTP Compression turned on, the other shows it loading correctly with HTTP compression turned off.
thanks again for your help!
Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
It's not only for IE, you can use it with any other browser. Although it might not be automatically set up it's very easy to do so.
Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
I am also connecting it to the Blogengine and it gives me the same error.
I tried two logical solutions:
1) I Disabled the the Compression method nly for the connector.aspx page:
<script runat="server">
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
Request.Headers["Accept-encoding"] = null;
But then it gave me the error:
"XML request error: Internal Server Error (500)
Do you want to see more info?"
After I pressed the OK button a huge html was presented to me within the alert message box.
2) I disabled the compression system for the entire blog. I went to the BlogEngine.Core\Web\HttpModules\CompressionModule.cs and chanded the function IsEncodingAccepted to:
private static bool IsEncodingAccepted(string encoding)
return (false);
But when I activated the CKFinder it gave me the message "Unknown error" (the message box was from the CKFinder component itself and not the browser alert).
So basically, how do I fix it?
I want the compression system and I want the CKFinder to work.
Thanks, Israel Sapir
Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
Check CKFinder 2.0 - it should display a more user friendly error message instead of an alert box.
Also please try the debug mode: http://docs.cksource.com/CKFinder_2.x/D ... leshooting
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
Follow CKEditor on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+
Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
Im having exactly the same problem in one of my sites. The ckeditor, ckfinder, bin folders and web.config are exactly the same... but in one of the sites, altough ckeditor works perfect and I have all the ckfinder extensions on ckeditor, when I click "browse button" i get like a bad encoded XML response and I get an exception thrown by ckfinder with an unlegible message (with a "system error" as window tittle). It happens in every browser.
Please, if you have any idea, I've wasted like 20 hours sniffing headers, code, recompiling in ton of ways, cleaning temp files, caches, etc and the result is always the same... one site works perfectly with ckfinder and other not.
Im using asp.net 4, vs2010 and the integrated web development server.
The problem is here, but i cant read or decode the response with fiddler, while I can decode it perfectly in the site that works:
Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
An exception of type 'System.MethodAccessException' occurred in CKFinder.DLL but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Attempt by security transparent method 'ImageManipulation.Quantizer+Color32..ctor(IntPtr)' to access security critical method 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStructure(IntPtr, System.Type)' failed.
Assembly 'CKFinder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=579e7adc719a1423' is marked with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute, and uses the level 2 security transparency model. Level 2 transparency causes all methods in AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers assemblies to become security transparent by default, which may be the cause of this exception.
And just by adding this under system.web in web.config... everything works with this site
Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
Follow CKEditor on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+
Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
I´ve got a mistake, i ´ve got this: <trust level="Medium" processRequestInApplicationTrust="true"/>
and a i have this Error:
Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.
Excepción de seguridad
Descripción: La aplicación intentó realizar una operación no permitida por la directiva de seguridad. Para otorgar a esta aplicación los permisos necesarios, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema o cambie el nivel de confianza de la aplicación en el archivo de configuración.
Detalles de la excepción: System.Security.SecurityException: Ese ensamblado no permite llamadores de confianza parcial.
Error de código fuente:
El código fuente que generó esta excepción no controlada sólo se puede mostrar cuando se compila en modo de depuración. Para habilitarlo, siga uno de estos pasos y, a continuación, vuelva a solicitar la dirección URL:
1. Agregue una directiva "Debug=true" en la parte superior del archivo que generó el error. Ejemplo:
<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>
2) Agregue la siguiente sección al archivo de configuración de su aplicación:
<compilation debug="true"/>
Tenga en cuenta que esta segunda técnica hará que todos los archivos de una aplicación dada se compilen en modo de depuración. La primera técnica hará que sólo ese archivo en concreto se compile en modo de depuración.
Importante: al ejecutar las aplicaciones en modo de depuración se provoca una sobrecarga de memoria o rendimiento. Debe asegurarse de que la aplicación tiene deshabilitada la depuración antes de implementar en el escenario de producción.
Re: XML Parsing Error on connector.aspx?command=Init
I've just found this:
http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums ... 94fe9871a/
It looks like it was your post, right?
Do you have this problem with CKEditor.NET? (Note that you have replied to a topic on a CKFinder forum)
If it is indeed a problem with CKEditor.NET, please redownload CKEditor.NET control, we have fixed this problem ~4 days ago: http://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/7276
Wiktor Walc
CTO, CKSource - http://cksource.com
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