ckeditor is very nice, but only allows you to edit text areas, so I have written some php scripts which allow you to create,edit and save entire html files including java script (but not server side scripting) using ckeditor as your wysiwig editor - and one to allow you to upload support files such as images, audio files etc.
All you have to do is put these files in the same directory as the html files you want to edit and load ck_editpage.php in your browser which will allow you to create and edit html files in that directory using ckeditor much like a desktop application (there is a bit of setting up to do - like pointing to where ckeditor is installed - but it is quite easy and explained)
I edit files locally on my mac's built in webserver (or xamp / mamp) before uploading them to the real site, so running php in the same directory as the html is not a security issue here.
If anyone is interested in trying or using these scripts, I am happy to make them available - I'm not sure if I can upoad them here.
Re: Full HTML wysiwyg file editing
Thats really something I am looking for. Please share them with me along with instructions to use.
Thanks alot for your help and effort. Please mail them to "forte (dot) craigs (aaaaatttttt)"
Re: Full HTML wysiwyg file editing
After several re-writes, the scripts now work quite nicely - even on some quite complex page (thanks to Howard for trying them out).
I've put the latest files in a zip file here