Thanks for your past replies in the forum.
I understand your valuable time should be saved for matters more important than replying to beginners queries like mines.
So I came up with the idea of you displaying on your website a simpler on-line demo.
You are today displaying an on-line demo on your website.
But this demo makes use of a configuration file.
And as we all noticed, using a configuration file, be it the default or not, is not the easiest thing with the editor.
So why not show off the ease of use of the editor by displaying on your website an on-line demo that does not make use of a configuration file..?
Since you confirmed that to be possible, doing it would be a great help to many of us.
I suppose it would be simple for you to change the setup of the current on-line demo example.
You would just get rid of the line
// Custom Configurations (leave blank to ignore)
FCKConfig.CustomConfigurationsPath = '/fckeditor.config.js' ;
and forget about the configuration file currently being used.
Instead you would use only a set of directives defined in the following manner:
<script type="text/javascript">
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('content');
oFCKeditor.BasePath = '$gFCKBasePath';
oFCKeditor.Value = '$content';
oFCKeditor.Config['AutoDetectLanguage'] = false;
oFCKeditor.Config['DefaultLanguage'] = 'fr';
oFCKeditor.Config['SkinPath'] = '$gFCKBasePath' + 'editor/skins/silver/';
oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = 'Default';
oFCKeditor.ToolbarCanCollapse = false;
oFCKeditor.UseBROnCarriageReturn = true;
oFCKeditor.Width = '100%';
oFCKeditor.Height = '600';
This would clearly show to all the newcomers how to simply get your editor running.
And save you so much of that precious time of yours!
Very kind regards
Stephane Eybert
RE: Call (to Frederico) for a simpler online demo
Hello Stephane,
I know that for your the configuration file is a knightmare... but... have you tried to download my custom configurations file? Here is the link:
You will see that there are just two things that I needed to configure, le URL for the image and link browser... just because I have to use the right folders on my server for file upload. It is better to live that separated, because it would be more complicated for the newbie to understand the meaning of that lines.
For the rest, all the default configurations are used. So, the demo shows the simpler use of the editor:
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'FCKeditor1' ) ;
oFCKeditor.BasePath = '/FCKeditor/' ;
oFCKeditor.Value = 'bla bla bla...' ;
oFCKeditor.Create() ;
Isn't it easier to the newcomers to understand? That thay just need to point the base path, set the value and create it!?
And then we can start more advanced sample, like the other demos (did you take a look at then?). In that ones we use the oFCKeditor.Config, and etc...
In any case, once someone download the editor, he will find a "_samples" directory, that shows how to use the editor with hes preffered server side lianguage.
With version RC3, I can configure the server directory for uploads in the server side, so my custom config file will became useless... so I'll remove it, to not confuse you.
In any case, if you preciselly indicate me where is the difficult thing in the demo, I'll manage to make it easier.
Then we need more documentation... ok, I confirm it... but that is another problem, and maybe you and the community could help in that way.
Best regards,
Frederico Knabben
CKEditor Project Lead and CKSource Owner
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RE: Call (to Frederico) for a simpler online
RE: Call (to Frederico) for a simpler online
Many thanks to you for your kind and detailed answer!!
I will go the way you indicate in your last post as to how best to configure the editor.
I'd be glad to help the people working on the project, be it translation (in french) or development.
Like for example developing a plugin to offer in a popup window, in the form of a html select list the array of all the page names/urls to be used when inserting an internal link.
Most of the editors offer two insert link buttons. One like yours and one for the links pointing to resources on the local server. They sit near one another in the toolbar. And are easier to use than having to browse in a file selector window.
Anyway, thanks for your support!
Kind Regards
RE: Call (to Frederico) for a simpler online
Kind Regards
RE: Call (to Frederico) for a simpler online
And a last note about the configuration of the editor...
My point was just that the fckeditor.html file (used even in the _samples/ examples) calls the file editor/js/fck_startup.js which in turns calls the file ../fckconfig.js
We have:
fckeditor.html -> editor/js/fck_startup.js -> ../fckconfig.js
I do not suppose I should edit the files fckeditor.html and
This means that there is no way not to use the default configuration file ../fckconfig.js when using the editor.
Am I right...?
Kind Regards
RE: Call (to Frederico) for a simpler online
I think I get it. So you want all default values to be in the JS code itself rather than a 'default' config file, eliminating the need for a config file altogether.
One thing to keep in mind is all this JS has to get downloaded to the client machine. Every line of code is X amount more bytes. We can make the code smarter, but it will cost us somewhere. Probably in download/loadup time.
If having a config file shortens this, I say stick with the file.
Otherwise never mind.
I just prefer speed to dumbability. Guess we could make FCKeditor an AI, neh! The second JS AI ever! (maybe third.
"Would you like to play a game of chess?"
-FCKeditor v3
RE: Call (to Frederico) for a simpler online
I think I have been misunderstood here...
Sure we can have a configuration file that stores the values of the configuration directives. I'm fine with that.
My suggestion is why is the call to such a configuration file hard coded into the javascript code of the product..?
Do we have to use this configuration file..?
Can't we do without it..?
As the product is coded now, we have to use it.
The default configuration file fckconfig.js is called by editor/js/fck_startup.js which itself is called by fckeditor.html
Rather, I'm thinking of using the editor this way:
<script type="text/javascript">
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('content');
oFCKeditor.BasePath = '$gFCKBasePath';
oFCKeditor.Value = '$content';
oFCKeditor.Config['AutoDetectLanguage'] = false;
oFCKeditor.Config['DefaultLanguage'] = 'fr';
oFCKeditor.Config['SkinPath'] = '$gFCKBasePath' + 'editor/skins/silver/';
oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = 'Default';
oFCKeditor.ToolbarCanCollapse = false;
oFCKeditor.UseBROnCarriageReturn = true;
oFCKeditor.Width = '100%';
oFCKeditor.Height = '600';
But as of today, doing so, still includes the default configuration file.
And that is the problem.
For the directives stored inside the default configuration file, in my case anyway, do overwrite the mines specified in the javascript code snippet to create the editor.
I haven't been able to work around this problem.
But again, it might just be me, and most likely I haven't figured out the way to properly configure the editor.
I think I should wait for the next major release probably.
Kind Regards
RE: Call (to Frederico) for a simpler online
for the toolbar to collapse I had to use:
fckEditor.config["ToolbarCanCollapse"] = false;
fckEditor.ToolbarCanCollapse = false;
Dont' think the "useBR..." is working... didn't test much tho...
> For the directives stored inside the default configuration file, in my case anyway, do overwrite the mines specified in the javascript code snippet to create the editor.
As for this, have you tried my Javascript no-cache solution? I have found that it makes a HUGE difference in development time... and 'bugs' within the editor.
And yes, things will be EVEN BETTER (hard to believe, I know) when this code finially escapes (leaving a bloody trail of quality assurance personnel in it's wake) as a major release.
Also, same issue with cache and custom configs JS files. They are not always reloaded, I've noticed. Although pointing to a CFM page (customConfig.cfm) instead of a plain javascript file seems to have solved that problem for me. YMMV!
Thanks for the suggestions/ideas, that's what this stuff is all about!