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guideUpdate to CKEditor 5 v41.x

When updating your CKEditor 5 installations, make sure all the packages are the same version to avoid errors.

For custom builds, you may try removing the package-lock.json or yarn.lock files (if applicable) and reinstalling all packages before rebuilding the editor. For best results, make sure you use the most recent package versions.

# Update to CKEditor 5 v41.3.0

Released on April 10, 2024.

For the entire list of changes introduced in version 41.3.0, see the release notes for CKEditor 5 v41.3.0.

Listed below are the most important changes that require your attention when upgrading to CKEditor 5 v41.3.0.

# Legacy lists compatibility

As of this release, due to a bug that needed fixing, the legacy lists plugin (lists v1 ) is no longer compatible with the paste from Office feature. List items will be added as paragraphs instead. Please consider upgrading to the modern list plugin to avoid it.

# Update to CKEditor 5 v41.0.0

Released on January 17, 2024.

For the entire list of changes introduced in version 41.0.0, see the release notes for CKEditor 5 v41.0.0.

Listed below are the most important changes that require your attention when upgrading to CKEditor 5 v41.0.0.

# Breaking changes to the list plugin

As of the latest release, we replaced the existing list plugin (often referred to as “list v1”) with the newer and more advanced document list plugin, formerly known as document list (“list v2”).

We implemented the list v2 (document list) feature in 2022 to add support for block content in list items. It supported extending list markup via General HTML Support (GHS). It did not, however, support to-do lists. Since then we concentrated on bringing full list v1 functionality to this plugin. The newest release brings in the complete list functionality so we were ready to switch.

We introduced the new plugin in a manner that aims to be transparent for the users:

  • We physically replaced the old plugin with the new one.
  • But we left the namespace intact.

It means that starting with release v41.0.0 all imports of various list-related plugins will use the new version.

Unless you need to specifically use the old plugin in your integration, there is no need to make changes in the configuration.

If you do not want to use block elements in your lists, you can turn off this functionality with the configuration option instead of sticking to the old plugins.

We have replaced the old list plugins with the current ones.

# Renaming of the plugins

With the new version becoming the default, the DocumentList plugin (and all related plugins, see the table below) was renamed to List. The old plugin was renamed to LegacyList instead. The same applies to all other list-related plugins, namely: LegacyListProperties, and LegacyTodoList.

If you included document lists in your integration and used the removePlugins option to exclude the old list plugin, it could lead to errors, such as these:

    ❌ CKEditorError: plugincollection-required {"plugin":"List","requiredBy":"DocumentList"}
    Read more:

This is because your integration was injecting DocumentList and DocumentListProperties plugins, and passing the removePlugins: [ List, ListProperties, TodoList ] configuration option. After the change and renaming of the plugins, these two are the same.

If you happen to encounter this error, remove all imports of DocumentList and related plugins as well as the removePlugins configuration option. Replace these with List and related plugins.

# Details of plugin renames

Previous version Current version Comments
Official plugins
DocumentList List Plugin renamed
DocumentListProperties ListProperties Plugin renamed
TodoDocumentList TodoList Plugin renamed
AdjacentListsSupport AdjacentListsSupport Changed import path
Backward compatibility plugins
- DocumentList Alias for the List plugin
- DocumentListProperties Alias for the ListProperties plugin
- TodoDocumentList Alias for the TodoList plugin
Legacy plugins
List LegacyList Plugin renamed
ListProperties LegacyListProperties Plugin renamed
TodoList LegacyTodoList Plugin renamed
Removed deprecated plugin
ListStyle - Use the ListProperties plugin instead.

# Changes to list merging

With the old list plugin, it was possible to create two lists of the same type but with different styles next to each other. These lists did not merge. This functionality is still available in the LegacyList.

The current List plugin merges such lists. This can be handled by using the AdjacentListsSupport plugin. However, by design, it only works for pasted content or on data load. It does not support UI operations, which is a change from the previous behavior.

We want to use this opportunity and ask the users for feedback in this GitHub issue. If you use this kind of lists, feel free to share your opinion and suggestions on the current implementation.

# Icon paths changed

Among other changes, some icons were moved around the project. Check these changes if you use custom UI elements that call these icons.

The following icons were moved to the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-core package:

  • browse-files
  • bulletedlist
  • codeblock
  • color-palette
  • heading1, heading2, heading3, heading4, heading5, heading6
  • horizontalline
  • html
  • indent
  • next-arrow
  • numberedlist
  • outdent
  • previous-arrow
  • redo
  • table
  • todolist
  • undo

The following icons were moved to the ckeditor5-collaboration package:

  • paint-roller
  • robot-pencil
  • table-of-contents
  • template

# Exports renamed

Some export names were changed due to the possibility of name conflicts:

  • We renamed the default export of View from the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine package to EditingView.
  • We renamed the export of Model from the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui package to ViewModel.
  • We renamed the default export of UploadAdapter from the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-adapter-ckfinder package to CKFinderUploadAdapter.
  • We renamed the interface export of Position from the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils package to DomPoint.
  • We moved the findOptimalInsertionRange function to the Schema class as a method within the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine package. The exported function of the same name from the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-widget package remains unchanged and should be used while creating features and widgets.

# Making CKEditor npm packages valid ECMAScript modules (ESM)

The code we distribute in the npm packages uses the ECMAScript Module (ESM) syntax (for example, import X from 'y'). Until now it was not fully compliant with the standard and the packages were not properly marked as ES modules. Sometimes this resulted in bundlers (like Vite) and other tools (such as Vitest) failing to build or run the projects containing CKEditor 5. It required workarounds in their configuration.

This release fixes the ESM compatibility issues. CKEditor 5 packages are now fully ESM-compliant and these workarounds are no longer needed.

Until now, the form for adding a URL to the selected text accepted an empty value, leaving the href empty. We believe this is undesirable in most cases. We have added a validation to prevent adding a link if the field is empty.

However, if for some reason you want to allow empty links, you can do so using the new configuration option added to the link plugin.

    .create( editorElement, {
    link: {
+        allowCreatingEmptyLinks: true
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

# UI migration to dialogs

# The find and replace feature

Starting with v41.0.0, the UI of the find and replace feature displays by default in a dialog window. Before, it was displayed in a dropdown panel. This change is meant to improve the overall user experience of the feature and allow content creators to make the most out of the available tools.

The comparison of the find and replace UI before and after v41.0.0

To bring the earlier user experience back, you can use the config.findAndReplace.uiType configuration option:

    .create( editorElement, {
+        findAndReplace: {
+            uiType: 'dropdown'
+        }
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );
# Changes to the DOM structure

The migration from a dropdown panel to a dialog window brought some changes to the DOM structure of the UI. Customizations based on certain CSS selectors may not work anymore and may require adjustments.

  • The UI header element ( is no longer available inside the form element ( You should apply the CSS customizations to the header element of the dialog instead (
  • The element was removed from the form element ( Its contents were distributed between new containers:
    • The “Find in text” input field, and the “Previous result” and “Next result” buttons were moved to the element.
    • The “Find” button was moved to the element.
  • The element was removed. Its contents were distributed between new containers:
    • The “Replace with” input field was moved to the element.
    • The “Replace” and “Replace all” buttons were moved to the element.
  • The “Advanced options” dropdown (rendered as the element) was replaced with the collapsible component (rendered as the element). Switch buttons inside (“Match case” and “Whole words only”) remain unchanged.

# The AI Assistant feature

Starting with v41.0.0, the UI of the AI assistant feature will display by default in a dialog window. It was displayed in the balloon panel before.

The comparison of AI Assistant UI before and after v41.x

# Changes to the DOM structure

The migration from a dropdown panel to a dialog window brought some changes to the DOM structure of the UI. Customizations based on certain CSS selectors may not work anymore and may require adjustments.

  • The UI header element ( is no longer available inside the form element ( You should apply CSS customizations to the header element of the dialog instead (