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Installing Vanilla JS CKEditor 5 using npm or ZIP

CKEditor 5 is a powerful, rich text editor you can embed in your web application. This guide will show you the fastest way to use it with npm or a ZIP package.

CKEditor 5 Builder

In our interactive Builder you can quickly get a taste of CKEditor 5. It offers an easy-to-use user interface to help you configure, preview, and download the editor suited to your needs. You can easily select:

  • The editor type.
  • The features you need.
  • Preferred framework (React, Angular, Vue or Vanilla JS).
  • Preferred distribution method.

At the end you get ready-to-use code tailored to your needs!

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# Installing CKEditor 5 using npm

To set up the editor from npm, you need a bundler to build the JavaScript files correctly. CKEditor 5 is compatible with all modern JavaScript bundlers. For a quick project setup, we recommend using Vite.

First, install the necessary package. The command below will install the main CKEditor 5 package containing all open-source plugins.

npm install ckeditor5

Now, you can import all the modules from the ckeditor5 package. Additionally, you have to import CSS styles separately. Please note the Essentials plugin, including all essential editing features.

Importing and registering UI translations is optional for American English. To use the editor in any other language, use imported translations, as shown in the setup section.

Starting from version 44.0.0, the licenseKey property is required to use the editor. If you use a self-hosted editor from npm:

You can set up a free trial to test the editor and evaluate the self-hosting.

import { ClassicEditor, Essentials, Bold, Italic, Font, Paragraph } from 'ckeditor5';

import 'ckeditor5/ckeditor5.css';

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        licenseKey: '<YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>', // Or 'GPL'.
        plugins: [ Essentials, Bold, Italic, Font, Paragraph ],
        toolbar: [
            'undo', 'redo', '|', 'bold', 'italic', '|',
            'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontColor', 'fontBackgroundColor'
    } )
    .then( /* ... */ )
    .catch( /* ... */ );

Pass the imported plugins inside the configuration to the create() method and add toolbar items where applicable.

The first argument in the create() function is a DOM element for the editor placement, so you need to add it to your HTML page.

<div id="editor">
    <p>Hello from CKEditor 5!</p>

That is all the code you need to see a bare-bone editor running in your web browser.

# Installing CKEditor 5 from a ZIP file

If you do not want to build your project using npm and cannot rely on the CDN delivery, you can download ready-to-run files with CKEditor 5 and all its plugins.

Starting from version 44.0.0, the licenseKey property is required to use the editor. If you use a self-hosted editor from ZIP:

You can set up a free trial to test the editor and evaluate the self-hosting.

  1. Download the ZIP archive with the latest CKEditor 5 distribution.
  2. Extract the ZIP archive into a dedicated directory inside your project (for example, vendor/). Include the editor version in the directory name to ensure proper cache invalidation whenever you install a new version of CKEditor 5.

Files included in the ZIP archive:

  • index.html – A sample with a working editor.
  • ckeditor5/ckeditor5.js – The ready-to-use editor ESM bundle contains the editor and all plugins. [Recommended build]
  • ckeditor5/ – The source map for the editor ESM bundle.
  • ckeditor5/ckeditor5.umd.js – The ready-to-use editor UMD bundle contains the editor and all plugins. [Secondary build]
  • ckeditor5/ – The source map for the editor UMD bundle.
  • ckeditor5/*.css – The style sheets for the editor. You will use ckeditor5.css in most cases. Read about other files in the Editor and content styles guide.
  • translations/ – The editor UI translations (see the Setting the UI language guide).
  • The and files.

The easiest way to see the editor in action is to serve the index.html file via an HTTP server.

You must run your code on a local server to use import maps. Opening the HTML file directly in your browser will trigger security rules. These rules (CORS policy) ensure loading modules from the same source. Therefore, set up a local server, like nginx, caddy, http-server, to serve your files over HTTP or HTTPS.

# Installing premium features

# Installing premium features using npm

All premium features are available as a separate package. You can install it the same as the open-source one.

npm install ckeditor5-premium-features

Now, you can import all the modules from both the ckeditor5 and ckeditor5-premium-features packages. Additionally, you have to import CSS styles separately.

If you use a self-hosted editor from npm, obtain a license for premium features.

You can set up a free trial to test the editor and all of its features.

import { ClassicEditor, Essentials, Bold, Italic, Paragraph, Font } from 'ckeditor5';
import { FormatPainter } from 'ckeditor5-premium-features';

import 'ckeditor5/ckeditor5.css';
import 'ckeditor5-premium-features/ckeditor5-premium-features.css';

    .create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
        licenseKey: '<YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>',
        plugins: [ Essentials, Bold, Italic, Paragraph, Font, FormatPainter ],
        toolbar: [
            'undo', 'redo', '|', 'bold', 'italic', '|',
            'fontSize', 'fontFamily', 'fontColor', 'fontBackgroundColor', '|',
    } )
    .then( /* ... */ )
    .catch( /* ... */ );

Pass the imported plugins inside the configuration to the create() method and add toolbar items where applicable. Please note that to use premium features, you need to activate them with a proper license key. See the Obtaining a license key section.

The first argument in the create() function is a DOM element for the editor placement, so you need to add it to your HTML page.

<div id="editor">
    <p>Hello from CKEditor 5!</p>

That is all the code you need to see a bare-bone editor running in your web browser.

# Installing premium features from a ZIP file

  1. Download the ZIP archive with the latest CKEditor 5 distribution and premium features.
  2. Extract the ZIP archive into a dedicated directory inside your project (for example, vendor/). Include the editor version in the directory name to ensure proper cache invalidation whenever you install a new version of CKEditor 5.

If you use a self-hosted editor from ZIP, obtain a license for premium features.

You can set up a free trial to test the editor and all of its features.

Files in the ZIP archive:

  • index.html – A sample with a working editor.
  • The ckeditor5/ directory:
    • ckeditor5.js – The ready-to-use editor ESM bundle contains the editor and all plugins. [Recommended build]
    • – The source map for the editor ESM bundle.
    • ckeditor5.umd.js – The ready-to-use editor UMD bundle contains the editor and all plugins. [Secondary build]
    • – The source map for the editor UMD bundle.
    • *.css – The style sheets for the editor, use ckeditor5.css in most cases. Read about other files in the Editor and content styles guide.
    • translations/ – The editor UI translations (see the Setting the UI language guide).
    • The ckeditor5-premium-features/ directory:
      • ckeditor5-premium-features.js – ESM bundle of premium features. [Recommended build]
      • ckeditor5-premium-features.umd.js – UMD bundle of premium features contains the editor and all plugins. [Secondary build]
      • *.css – The style sheets for the premium features. You will use ckeditor5-premium-features.css in most cases.
      • translations/ – The premium features UI translations.
  • The ckeditor5-premium-features directory is structured similarly to the ckeditor5 directory. It contains equivalent files for premium features.
  • The and files.

The easiest way to see the editor in action is to serve the index.html file via an HTTP server.

You must run your code on a local server to use import maps. Opening the HTML file directly in your browser will trigger security rules. These rules (CORS policy) ensure loading modules from the same source. Therefore, set up a local server, like nginx, caddy, http-server, to serve your files over HTTP or HTTPS.

# Obtaining a premium features license key

To activate CKEditor 5 premium features, you will need a commercial license. The easiest way to get one is to sign up for the CKEditor Premium Features 14-day free trial to test the premium features.

You can also contact us to receive an offer tailored to your needs. To obtain an activation key, please follow the License key and activation guide.

# Next steps