I have some custom div element in stored markup. But when opening it into the 4.2.1 version of the editor, these div elements are not there. I can see the img elements though.
When can I configure the editor so that it does not remove my div elements ?
Kind Regards,
I now see adding the
I now see adding the following directive in the configuration file prevents the content filtering by the ACF
allowedContent: true
I could now even fine tune
I could now even fine tune the ACF better with the following directive in my configuration file:
allowedContent: 'span(*)[*]; img[alt,src]'
See the ACF usage in the sample samples/datafiltering.html in the distribution.
And even better for my need,
And even better for my need, I can keep the current configuration and only add to it by using the
extraAllowedContent instead of the allowedContent as in:
extraAllowedContent: 'span(*)[*]; img[alt,src]'