New Features and Improvements:
- Extremely Fast Loading! The editor now loads more than 3 times faster than before, with no impact on its advanced features.
New toolbar system:
- [SF Feature-1454850] The toolbar will now load much faster. All images have being merged in a single image file using a unique system available only with FCKeditor.
- The "Text Color" and "Background Color" commands buttons have enhancements on the interface.
- Attention: As a completely new system has being developed. Skins created for versions prior this one will not work. Skin styles definitions have being merged, added and removed. All skins have been a little bit reviewed.
- It is possible to detach the toolbar from an editor instance and share it with other instances. In this way you may have only one toolbar (in the top of the window, for example, that can be used by many editors (see sample10.html). This feature is still under development (issues with IE focus still to be solved).*
New context menu system:
- It uses the same (fast) loading system as the toolbar.
- Sub-Menus are now available to group features (try the context menu over a table cell).
- It is now possible to create your own context menu entries by creating plugins.
- New "FitWindow" toolbar button, based on the plugin published by Paul Moers. Thanks Paul!
- "Auto Grow" Plugin: automatically resizes the editor until a maximum height, based on its contents size.**
- [SF Feature-1444943] Multiple CSS files can now be used in the editing area. Just define FCKConfig.EditorAreaCSS as an array of strings (each one is a path to a different css file). It works also as a simple string, as on prior versions.
- New language files:
- Bengali / Bangla (by Richard Walledge).
- English (Canadian) (by Kevin Bennett).
- Khmer (by Sengtha Chay).
- The source view is now available in the editing area on Gecko browsers. Previously a popup was used for it (due to a Firefox bug).
- As some people may prefer the popup way for source editing, a new configuration option (SourcePopup) has being introduced.
- The IEForceVScroll configuration option has been removed. The editor now automatically shows the vertical scrollbar when needed (for XHTML doctypes).
- The configuration file doesn't define a default DOCTYPE to be used now.
- It is now possible to easily change the toolbar using the JavaScript API by just calling <EditorInstance>.ToolbarSet.Load( '<ToolbarName>' ). See _testcases/010.html for a sample.
- The "OnBlur" and "OnFocus" JavaScript API events are now compatible with all supported browsers.
- Some few updates in the Lasso connector and uploader.
- The GeckoUseSPAN setting is now set to "false" by default. In this way, the code produced by the bold, italic and underline commands are the same on all browsers.
Fixed Bugs:
- Important security fixes have been applied to the File Manager, Uploader and Connectors. Upgrade is highly recommended. Thanks to Alberto Moro, Baudouin Lamourere and James Bercegay.
- [SF BUG-1249853] The "BaseHref" configuration is now working with Firefox in both normal and full page modes.
- [SF BUG-1405263] A typo in the configuration file was impacting the Quick Upload feature.
- Nested <ul> and <ol> tags are now generating valid html.
- The "wmode" and "quality" attributes are now preserved for Flash embed tags, in case they are entered manually in the source view. Also, empty attributes are removed from that tag.
- Tables where not being created correctly on Opera.
- The XHTML processor will ignore invalid tags with names ending with ":", like http:.
- On Firefox, the scrollbar is not anymore displayed on toolbar dropdown commands when not needed.
- Some small fixes have being done to the dropdown commands rendering for FF.
- The table dialog window has been a little bit enlarged to avoid contents being cropped on some languages, like Russian.
- [SF BUG-1465203] The ieSpell download URL has been updated. The problem is that they don't have a fixed URL for it, so let's hope the mirror will be up for it.
- [SF BUG-1456332] Small fix in the Spanish language file.
- [SF BUG-1457078] The File Manager was generating 404 calls in the server.
- [SF BUG-1459846] Fixed a problem with the config file if PHP is set to parse .js files.
- [SF BUG-1432120] The "UserFilesAbsolutePath" setting is not correctly used in the PHP uploader.
- [SF BUG-1408869] The collapse handler is now rendering correctly in Firefox 1.5.
- [SF BUG-1424240] The "moz-bindings.xml" file is now well formed.
- [SF BUG-1413980] All frameborder "yes/no" values have been changes to "1/0".
- [SF BUG-1414101] The fake table borders are now showing correctly when running under the "file://" protocol.
- [SF BUG-1414155] Small typo in the cell properties dialog window.
- Fixed a problem in the File Manager. It was not working well with folder or file names with apostrophes ('). Thanks to Ren de Jong.
- Small "lenght" type corrected in the select dialog window. Thanks to Bernd Nussbaumer.
- The about box is now showing correctly in Firefox 1.5.
- [SF Patch-1464020] [SF BUG-1155793] The "Unlink" command is now working correctly under Firefox if you don't have a complete link selection. Thanks to Johnny Egeland.
- In the File Manager, it was not possible to upload files to folders with ampersands in the name. Thanks to Mike Pone.
- [SF BUG-1178359] Elements from the toolbar are not anymore draggable in the editing area.
- [SF BUG-1487544] Fixed a small issue in the code formatter for <br /> and <hr /> tags.
- The "Background Color" command now works correctly when the GeckoUseSPAN setting is disabled (default).
- Links are now rendered in blue with Firefox (they were black before). Actually, an entry for it has been added to the editing area CSS, so you can customize with the color you prefer.
* This version has been partially sponsored by Footsteps and Kentico.
** This version has been partially sponsored by Nextide.