New Features and Improvements:

  • Let's welcome Wim Lemmens (didgiman). He's our new responsible for the ColdFusion integration. In this version we are introducing his new files with the following changes:
    • The "Uploader", used for quick uploads, is now available natively for ColdFusion.
    • Small bugs have been corrected in the File Browser connector.
    • The samples now work as is, even if you don't install the editor in the "/FCKeditor" directory.
  • And a big welcome also to "Andrew Liu", our responsible for the Python integration. This version is bringing native support for Python , including the File Browser connector and Quick Upload.
  • The "IsDirty()" and "ResetIsDirty()" functions have been added to the JavaScript API to check if the editor content has been changed.*
  • New language files:
    • Hindi (by Utkarshraj Atmaram)
    • Latvian (by Janis Klavin)
  • For the interface, now we have complete RTL support also for the drop-down toolbar commands, color selectors and context menu.
  • [SF BUG-1325113] [SF BUG-1277661] The new "Delete Table" command is available in the Context Menu when right-clicking inside a table.
  • The "FCKConfig.DisableTableHandles" configuration option is now working on Firefox 1.5.
  • The new "OnBlur" and "OnFocus" events have been added to the JavaScript API (IE only). See "_samples/html/sample09.html" *
  • Attention: The "GetHTML" function has been deprecated. It now returns the same value as "GetXHTML". The same is valid for the "EnableXHTML" and "EnableSourceXHTML" that have no effects now. The editor now works with XHTML output only.
  • Attention: A new "PreserveSessionOnFileBrowser" configuration option has been introduced. It makes it possible to set whenever is needed to maintain the user session in the File Browser. It is disabled by default, as it has very specific usage and may cause the File Browser to be blocked by popup blockers. If you have custom File Browsers that depends on session information, remember to activate it.
  • Attention: The "fun" smileys set has been removed from the package. If you are using it, you must manually copy it to newer installations and upgrades.
  • Attention: The "mcpuk" file browser has been removed from the package. We have no ways to support it. There were also some licensing issues with it. Its web site can still be found at
  • It is now possible to set different CSS styles for the chars in the Special Chars dialog window by adding the "SpecialCharsOut" and "SpecialCharsOver" in the "fck_dialog.css" skin file.*
  • [SF Patch-1268726] Added table "summary" support in the table dialog. Thanks to Sebastien-Mahe.
  • [SF Patch-1284380] It is now possible to define the icon of a FCKToolbarPanelButton object without being tied to the skin path (just like FCKToolbarButton). Thanks to Ian Sullivan.
  • [SF Patch-1338610] [SF Patch-1263009] New characters have been added to the "Special Characters" dialog window. Thanks to Deian.
  • You can set the QueryString value "fckdebug=true" to activate "debug mode" in the editor (showing the debug window), overriding the configurations. The "AllowQueryStringDebug" configuration option is also available so you can disable this feature.

Fixed Bugs:

  • [SF BUG-1363548] [SF BUG-1364425] [SF BUG-1335045] [SF BUG-1289661] [SF BUG-1225370] [SF BUG-1156291] [SF BUG-1165914] [SF BUG-1111877] [SF BUG-1092373] [SF BUG-1101596] [SF BUG-1246952] The URLs for links and images are now correctly preserved as entered, no matter if you are using relative or absolute paths.
  • [SF BUG-1162809] [SF BUG-1205638] The "Image" and "Flash" dialog windows now loads the preview correctly if the "BaseHref" configuration option is set.
  • [SF BUG-1329807] The alert boxes are now showing correctly when doing cut/copy/paste operations on Firefox installations when it is not possible to execute that operations due to security settings.
  • A new "Panel" system (used in the drop-dowm toolbar commands, color selectors and context menu) has been developed. The following bugs have been fixed with it:
    • [SF BUG-1186927] On IE, sometimes the context menu was being partially hidden.*
    • On Firefox, the context menu was flashing in the wrong position before showing.
    • On Firefox 1.5, the Color Selector was not working.
    • On Firefox 1.5, the fonts in the panels were too big.
    • [SF BUG-1076435] [SF BUG-1200631] On Firefox, sometimes the context menu was being shown in the wrong position.
  • [SF BUG-1364094] Font families were not being rendered correctly on Firefox .
  • [SF BUG-1315954] No error is thrown when pasting some case specific code from editor to editor.
  • [SF BUG-1341553] A small fix for a security alert in the File Browser has been applied.
  • [SF BUG-1370953] [SF BUG-1339898] [SF BUG-1323319] A message will be shown to the user (instead of a JS error) if a "popup blocker" blocks the "Browser Server" button. Thanks to Erwin Verdonk.
  • [SF BUG-1370355] Anchor links that points to a single character anchor, like "#A", are now correctly detected in the Link dialog window. Thanks to Ricky Casey.
  • [SF BUG-1368998] Custom error processing has been added to the file upload on the File Browser.
  • [SF BUG-1367802] [SF BUG-1207740] A message is shown to the user if a dialog box is blocked by a popup blocker in Firefox.
  • [SF BUG-1358891] [SF BUG-1340960] The editor not works locally (without a web server) on directories where the path contains spaces.
  • [SF BUG-1357247] The editor now intercepts SHIFT + INS keystrokes when needed.
  • [SF BUG-1328488] Attention: The Page Break command now produces different tags to avoid XHTML compatibility issues. Any Page Break previously applied to content produced with previous versions of FCKeditor will not me rendered now, even if they will still be working correctly.
  • It is now possible to allow cut/copy/past operations on Firefox using the user.js file.
  • [SF BUG-1336792] A fix has been applied to the XHTML processor to allow tag names with the "minus" char (-).
  • [SF BUG-1339560] The editor now correctly removes the "selected" option for checkboxes and radio buttons.
  • The Table dialog box now selects the table correctly when right-clicking on objects (like images) placed inside the table.
  • Attention : A few changes have been made in the skins. If you have a custom skin, it is recommended you to make a diff of the fck_contextmenu.css file of the default skin with your implementation.
  • Mouse select (marking things in blue, like selecting text) has been disabled on panels (drop-down menu commands, color selector and context menu) and toolbar, for both IE and Firefox.
  • On Gecko, fake borders will not be applied to tables with the border attribute set to more than 0, but placed inside tables with border set to 0.
  • [SF BUG-1360717] A wrapping issue in the "Silver" skin has been corrected. Thanks to Ricky Casey.
  • [SF BUG-1251145] In IE, the focus is now maintained in the text when clicking in the empty area following it.
  • [SF BUG-1181386] [SF BUG-1237791] The "Stylesheet Classes" field in the Link dialog window in now applied correctly on IE. Thanks to Andrew Crowe.
  • The "Past from Word" dialog windows is now showing correctly on Firefox on some languages.
  • [SF BUG-1315008] [SF BUG-1241992] IE, when selecting objects (like images) and hitting the "Backspace" button, the browser's "back" will not get executed anymore and the object will be correctly deleted.
  • The "AutoDetectPasteFromWord" is now working correctly in IE. Thanks to Juan Ant. Gmez.
  • A small enhancement has been made in the Word pasting detection. Thanks to Juan Ant. Gmez.
  • [SF BUG-1090686] No more conflict with Firefox "Type-Ahead Find" feature.
  • [SF BUG-942653] [SF BUG-1155856] The "width" and "height" of images sized using the inline handlers are now correctly loaded in the image dialog box.
  • [SF BUG-1209093] When "Full Page Editing" is active, in the "Document Properties" dialog, the "Browse Server" button for the page background is now correctly hidden if "ImageBrowser" is set to "false" in the configurations file. Thanks to Richard.
  • [SF BUG-1120266] [SF BUG-1186196] The editor now retains the focus when selecting commands in the toolbar.
  • [SF BUG-1244480] The editor now will look first to linked fields "ids" and second to "names".
  • [SF BUG-1252905] The "InsertHtml" function now preserves URLs as entered.
  • [SF BUG-1266317] Toolbar commands are not anymore executed outside the editor.
  • [SF BUG-1365664] The "wrap=virtual" attribute has been removed from the integration files for validation purposes. No big impact.
  • [SF BUG-972193] Now just one click is needed to active the cursor inside the editor.
  • The hidden fields used by the editor are now protected from changes using the "Web Developer Add-On > Forms > Display Forms Details" extension. Thanks to Jean-Marie Griess.
  • On IE, the "Format" toolbar dropdown now reflects the current paragraph type on IE. Because of a bug in the browser, it is quite dependent on the browser language and the editor interface language (both must be the same). Also, as the "Normal (DIV)" type is seen by IE as "Normal", to avoid confusion, both types are ignored by this fix.
  • On some very rare cases, IE was loosing the "align" attribute for DIV tags. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1388799] The code formatter was removing spaces on the beginning of lines inside PRE tags. Fixed.
  • [SF BUG-1387135] No more "NaN" values in the image dialog, when changing the sizes in some situations.
  • Corrected a small type in the table handler.
  • You can now set the "z-index" for floating panels (toolbar dropdowns, color selectors, context menu) in Firefox, avoiding having them hidden under another objects. By default it is set to 10,000. Use the FloatingPanelsZIndex configuration option to change this value.

Special thanks to Alfonso Martinez, who have provided many patches and suggestions for the following features / fixes present in this version. I encourage all you to donate to Alfonso, as a way to say thanks for his nice open source approach. Thanks Alfonso!. Check out his contributions:

  • [SF BUG-1352539] [SF BUG-1208348] With Firefox, no more "fake" selections are appearing when inserting images, tables, special chars or when using the "insertHtml" function.
  • [SF Patch-1382588] The "FCKConfig.DisableImageHandles" configuration option is not working on Firefox 1.5.
  • [SF Patch-1368586] Some fixes have been applied to the Flash dialog box and the Flash pre-processor.
  • [SF Patch-1360253] [SF BUG-1378782] [SF BUG-1305899] [SF BUG-1344738] [SF BUG-1347808] On dialogs, some fields became impossible to select or change when using Firefox. It has been fixed.
  • [SF Patch-1357445] Add support for DIV in the Format drop-down combo for Firefox.
  • [SF BUG-1350465] [SF BUG-1376175] The "Cell Properties" dialog now works correctly when right-clicking in an object (image, for example) placed inside the cell itself.
  • [SF Patch-1349166] On IE, there is now support for namespaces on tags names.
  • [SF Patch-1350552] Fix the display issue when applying styles on tables.
  • [SF Patch-1352320] Fixed a wrong usage of the "parentElement" property on Gecko.
  • [SF Patch-1355007] The new "FCKDebug.OutputObject" function is available to dump all object information in the debug window.
  • [SF Patch-1329500] It is now possible to delete table columns when clicking on a TH cell of the column.
  • [SF Patch-1315351] It is now possible to pass the image width and height to the "SetUrl" function of the Flash dialog box.
  • [SF Patch-1327384] TH tags are now correctly handled by the source code formatter and the "FillEmptyBlocks" configuration option.
  • [SF Patch-1327406] Fake borders are now displayed for TH elements on tables with border set to 0. Also, on Firefox, it will now work even if the border attribute is not defined and the borders are not dotted.
  • Hidden fields now get rendered on Firefox.
  • The BasePath is now included in the debugger URL to avoid problems when calling it from plugins.

* This version has been partially sponsored by Alkacon Software.

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