• [SF Feature-1042034] [SF Feature-1075961] [SF Feature-1083200] A new dialog window for the table cell properties is now available (right-click).
  • [SF Feature-1042034] The new "Split Cell ", to split a table cell in two columns, has been introduced (right-click).
  • [SF Feature-1042034] The new "Merge Cells", to merge table cells (in the same row), has been introduced (right-click).
  • The "fake" TAB key support (available by default over Gecko browsers is now available over IE too. You can set the number of spaces to add setting the FCKConfig.TabSpaces configuration setting. Set it to 0 (zero) to disable this feature (IE).
  • It now possible to tell IE to send a <BR> when the user presses the Enter key. Take a look at the FCKConfig.UseBROnCarriageReturn configuration setting.
  • [SF Feature-1085422] ColdFusion: The File Manager connector is now available! (Thanks to Hendrik Kramer).
  • The editor is now available in 29 languages! The new language files available are: 
    • [SF Feature-1067775] Chinese Simplified and Traditional (Taiwan and Hong Kong) (by NetRube).
    • Czech (by David Horák).
    • Danish (by Jesper Michelsen).
    • Dutch (by Bram Crins).
    • German (by Maik Unruh).
    • Portuguese (Portugal) (by Francisco Pereira).
    • Russian (by Andrey Grebnev).
    • Slovenian (by Boris Volaric).
  • Updates to the French language files (by Hubert Garrido).
  • [SF BUG-1085816] [SF BUG-1083743] [SF BUG-1078783] [SF BUG-1077861] [SF BUG-1037404] Many small bugs in the XHTML processor has been corrected (workarounds to browser specific bugs). These are some things to consider regarding the changes:
    • [SF BUG-1083744] On Gecko browsers, any element attribute that the name starts with "_moz" will be ignored.
    • [SF BUG-1060073] The <STYLE> and <SCRIPT> elements contents will be handled as is, without CDATA tag surrounding. This may break XHTML validation. In any case the use of external files for scripts and styles is recommended (W3C recommendation).
  • [SF BUG-1088310] [SF BUG-1078837] [SF BUG-999792] URLs now remain untouched when initializing the editor or switching from WYSYWYG to Source and vice versa.
  • [SF BUG-1082323] The problem in the ASP and PHP connectors when handling non "strange" chars in file names has been corrected.
  • [SF BUG-1085034] [SF BUG-1076796] Some bugs in the PHP connector have been corrected.
  • A problem with the "Format" command on IE browsers on languages different of English has been solved. The negative side of this correction is that due to a IE bad design it is not possible to update the "Format" combo while moving throw the text (context sensitive).
  • On Gecko browsers, when selecting an image and executing the "New Page" command, the image handles still appear, even if the image is not available anymore (this is a Gecko bug). When clicking in a "phanton" randle, the browser crashes. It doesn't happen (the crash) anymore.
  • [SF BUG-1082197] On ASP, the bug in the browser detection system for Gecko browsers has been corrected. Thanks to Alex Varga.
  • Again on ASP, the browser detection for IE had some problems on servers that use comma for decimal separators on numbers. It has been corrected. Thanks to Agrotic.
  • No error is thrown now when non existing language is configured in the editor. The English language file is loaded in that case.
  • [SF BUG-1077747] The missing images on the Office2003 and Silver skins are now included in the package.
  • On some Gecko browsers, the dialog window was not loading correctly. I couldn't reproduce the problem, but a fix has been applied based on users tests.
  • [SF BUG-1004078] ColdFusion: The "config" structure/hash table with keys and values is in ColdFusion not(!) case sensitive. All keys returned by ColdFusion are in upper case format. Because the FCKeditor configuration keys must be case sensitive, we had to match all structure/hash keys with a list of the correct configuration names in mixed case. This has been added to the fckeditor.cfc and fckeditor.cfm.
  • [SF BUG-1075166] ColdFusion: The "fallback" variant of the texteditor (<textarea>) has a bug in the fckeditor.cfm. This has been fixed.
  • A typo in the Polish language file has been corrected. Thanks to Pawel Tomicki.
  • [SF BUG-1086370] A small coding type in the Link dialog window has been corrected.
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