ColdFusion module integration is now available! Thanks to John Watson.
"Insert Smiley" toolbar option! Thanks to Fredox. Take a look at fck_config.js for configuration options.
"Paste as plain text" toolbar option!
Right click support for links (edit / remove).
Buttons now are shown in gray when disabled.
Buttons are shown just when the image is downloaded (no more "red x" while waiting for it).
The toolbar background color can be set with a CSS style (see fck_editor.css).
Toolbar images have been reviewed:
Now they are transparent.
No more over...gif for every button (so the editor loads quicker).
Buttons states are controlled with CSS styles. (see fck_editor.css).
Internet Explorer 5.0 compatibility, except for the image uploading popup.
Optimizations when loading the editor.
[SF BUG-709544] - Toolbar buttons wait for the images to be downloaded to start watching and responding the user actions (turn buttons on/off when the user changes position inside the editor).
Javascript integration is now Object Oriented. CreateFCKeditor function is not available anymore. Take a look in test.html.
Two new configuration options, ImageBrowser and ImageUpload, are available to turn on and off the image upload and image browsing options in the Image dialog box. This options can be hidden for a specific editor instance throw specific URL parameter in the editor’s IFRAME (upload=true/false&browse=true/false). All specific language integration modules handle this option. For sample see the _test directory.