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Removing Text Formatting

This feature is provided through a plugin that is included in the Standard and Full presets available from the official CKEditor 4 Download site.

The Remove Format plugin provides the ability to quickly remove any text formatting that is applied through inline HTML elements and CSS styles, like basic text styles (bold, italic, etc.), font family and size, text and background colors or styles applied through the Styles drop-down. Note that it does not change text formats applied at block level.

When enabled, the plugin adds the Remove Format toolbar button. Since this feature applies to inline styles, you need to select the text fragment whose formatting is to be removed before pressing the button.

The image below shows a sample text with some styling — different typefaces, font sizes, italics, inline styles and colors — applied.

Remove Format feature in CKEditor

The second image presents the same text after the formatting cleanup done through the Remove Format feature. Note that block-level text formats (headings, paragraphs, blockquotes etc.) remain unchanged.

Inline text formatting removed with Remove Format

# Removing Text Formatting Demo

See the working “Removing Text Formatting” sample that showcases the usage of the inline formatting cleanup functionality.

Refer to the following resources for more information about text styling and formatting: