
ListPropertiesConfig (list)



The configuration of the list properties feature and the document list properties feature.

This configuration controls the individual list properties. For instance, it enables or disables specific editor commands operating on lists ('listStyle', 'listStart', 'listReversed', or on the document lists 'listStyle', 'listStart', 'listReversed'), the look of the UI ('numberedList' and 'bulletedList' dropdowns), and the editor data pipeline (allowed HTML attributes).

	.create( editorElement, {
		list: {
			properties: {
				styles: true,
				startIndex: true,
				reversed: true
	} )
	.then( ... )
	.catch( ... );



  • reversed : boolean | undefined

    When set, the reversed list feature will be enabled. It allows changing the reversed HTML attribute of the numbered lists. As a result, it will be possible to make the list order descending instead of ascending.

    Note: This configuration does not affect bulleted and to-do lists.

    Defaults to false

  • startIndex : boolean | undefined

    When set, the list start index feature will be enabled. It allows changing the start HTML attribute of the numbered lists. As a result, it will be possible to specify the start value of the first item in an ordered list.

    Note: This configuration does not affect bulleted and to-do lists.

    Defaults to false

  • styles : boolean | ListPropertiesStyleConfig | undefined

    When set, the list style feature will be enabled. It allows changing the list-style-type style or the type HTML attribute of a list.

    Note: Styling using the type HTML attribute is only available in document list properties (learn more).

    Defaults to true