CKEditor 4 configuration options compatibility
The following table presents CKEditor 4 configuration options and, if available, their equivalent in CKEditor 5.
Note: In CKEditor 5, the number of options was reduced on purpose. Configuring CKEditor 4 was a bit too troublesome due to the sheer number of available configuration options (around 300). This is why when designing CKEditor 5 from scratch, we decided to come up with a simplified editor, with well-thought default behavior, based on the results of the Editor Recommendations project.
CKEditor 4 | CKEditor 5 |
Extending the list of HTML tags or attributes that CKEditor 5 should support can be achieved via the General HTML Support feature. The GHS allows adding HTML markup not yet covered by official CKEditor 5 features into the editor's content. Such elements can be loaded, pasted, or output. It does not, however, provide a dedicated UI for the extended HTML markup. Having full-fledged HTML support can be achieved by writing a plugin that (ideally) provides also means to control (insert, edit, delete) such markup. For more information on how to create plugins check the Creating a basic plugin article. Looking at the source code of CKEditor 5 plugins may also give you a lot of inspiration. Note that only content that is explicitly converted between the model and the view by the editor plugins will be preserved in CKEditor 5. Check the conversion documentation to learn how to extend the conversion rules. |
applicationTitle | N/A |
autoEmbed_widget | Refer to the Media embed feature guide to learn more about media embedding in CKEditor 5. |
autoGrow_bottomSpace |
These settings are no longer needed as CKEditor 5 automatically grows with content by default. Classic editor in CKEditor 5 no longer encapsulates the editing area in an
autoUpdateElement | CKEditor 5 always updates the replaced element. This behavior cannot be disabled. |
autocomplete_commitKeystrokes | N/A |
autolink_commitKeystrokes autolink_emailRegex autolink_urlRegex |
Refer to the Autolink section of the Link guide to learn more about support for automatic linking in CKEditor 5. |
baseFloatZIndex | N/A. There is a dedicated issue about z-index management and making it more open for developers. |
baseHref | Not supported yet, see the relevant GitHub issue. |
basicEntities | N/A |
blockedKeystrokes | N/A |
Classic editor in CKEditor 5 no longer encapsulates the editing area in an Additionally, all editor types use |
Classic editor in CKEditor 5 no longer encapsulates the editing area in an Additionally, all editor types use |
browserContextMenuOnCtrl | No longer needed as CKEditor 5 does not have its own context menu and does not block the native browser context menu. |
clipboard_defaultContentType clipboard_handleImages clipboard_notificationDuration |
N/A |
cloudServices_tokenUrl | See config.cloudServices.tokenUrl . |
cloudServices_uploadUrl | See config.cloudServices.uploadUrl . Check out the comprehensive Image upload guide to learn more. |
codeSnippetGeshi_url |
Refer to the Code block feature guide to learn more about support for blocks of pre–formatted code in CKEditor 5. A plugin adding support for the inline |
colorButton_backStyle |
Refer to the Font family, size, and color feature guide to learn more about configuring font and background color in CKEditor 5. CKEditor 5 also provides a new highlight plugin. It allows for highlighting parts of the text with the |
contentsCss | Classic editor in CKEditor 5 no longer encapsulates the editing area in an <iframe> , so such file and configuration setting is no longer needed. If for some reason you need to style the contents of the editing area differently, use the .ck-content selector. |
contentsLangDirection | Refer to the Setting the language of the content guide to learn how to set the content direction using the config.language configuration option. |
contentsLanguage | Refer to the Setting the language of the content guide to learn how to set the content language using the config.language configuration option. |
contextmenu_contentsCss | No longer needed as CKEditor 5 does not have its own context menu. |
copyFormatting_allowRules copyFormatting_allowedContexts copyFormatting_disallowRules copyFormatting_keystrokeCopy copyFormatting_keystrokePaste copyFormatting_outerCursor |
Refer to the Format painter guide to learn how the copy formatting functionality works in CKEditor 5. |
coreStyles_bold | CKEditor 5 uses the <strong> element, see Editor Recommendations - Bold. |
coreStyles_italic | CKEditor 5 uses the <i> element, see Editor Recommendations - Italic. |
CKEditor 5 uses the <s> element, see Editor Recommendations - Strikethrough.
CKEditor 5 uses the Note: The Subscript feature is not available by default in any predefined build, but can be enabled in a custom build (see the Basic styles feature guide). |
CKEditor 5 uses the Note: The Superscript feature is not available by default in any predefined build, but can be enabled in a custom build (see the Basic styles feature guide). |
In CKEditor 5 it is possible to apply subscript and superscript to the same element. Note: The Subscript and Superscript features are not available by default in any predefined build, but can be enabled in a custom build (see the Basic styles feature guide). |
CKEditor 5 uses the Note: The Underline feature is not available by default in any predefined build, but can be enabled in a custom build (see the Basic styles feature guide). |
customConfig | For performance reasons, CKEditor 5 no longer loads a separate configuration file. Passing configuration options inline reduces the number of HTTP requests. |
dataIndentationChars | N/A |
defaultLanguage | The support for multiple translations is handled by the translations service. See the UI language feature guide. |
delayIfDetached delayIfDetached_callback delayIfDetached_interval |
N/A |
devtools_styles devtools_textCallback |
The old CKEditor 4 Developer Tools plugin is not available for CKEditor 5. However, check out the new CKEditor 5 inspector. It is a far more advanced tool that will give you tons of useful information about the state of the editor such as internal data structures, selection, commands, and many more. |
dialog_backgroundCoverColor dialog_backgroundCoverOpacity |
The use of configuration options to style selected parts of the editor was dropped in favor of much more powerful theme customization. |
dialog_buttonsOrder dialog_magnetDistance dialog_noConfirmCancel dialog_startupFocusTab |
N/A |
Note: An official integration of the spell and grammar checking functionality for CKEditor 5 is provided by a partner solution, WProofreader. A dedicated configuration option to disable the native browser spell checker is unavailable. However, in case of inline, balloon, and balloon block editors it can be done by setting the Additionally, for all types of editors, including the classic and decoupled ones, you can also call:
disableNativeTableHandles | N/A |
disableObjectResizing | N/A |
disableReadonlyStyling | N/A |
disallowedContent | See config.allowedContent . No longer needed as CKEditor 5 removes all unwanted markup that cannot be edited with the editor. This can be controlled by adding plugins to the editor or via the General HTML Support feature. |
div_wrapTable | N/A |
docType | N/A. CKEditor 5 no longer encapsulates the editing area in an <iframe> , so the editor is using the same doctype as the page where it operates. |
easyimage_class easyimage_defaultStyle easyimage_styles easyimage_toolbar |
Refer to the Easy Image and Images feature guides to learn more about image-related features and Easy Image integration in CKEditor 5. |
editorplaceholder editorplaceholder_delay |
Refer to the Editor placeholder feature guide to learn more about configuring this feature in CKEditor 5. |
emailProtection | N/A |
embed_provider | Refer to the Media embed feature guide to learn more about media embedding in CKEditor 5. |
emoji_emojiListUrl emoji_followingSpace emoji_minChars |
Emoji can be pasted into CKEditor 5 as Unicode content. You can use the emoji picker of your operating system to insert emoji characters. Use the Ctrl+Cmd+Space keyboard shortcut (macOS) or Win+. (Windows) or the relevant emoji key on the touch keyboard of your device to open the picker. The Automatic text transformation feature may be configured to deliver emojis with shortcodes, too. |
enableContextMenu | N/A. CKEditor 5 does not come with a context menu. A configurable contextual inline toolbar is preferred instead to offer contextual actions for features such as tables or images. See also toolbar . |
enableTabKeyTools | N/A |
N/A. CKEditor 5 always creates a new paragraph ( Shift+Enter can be used for creating soft line breaks. |
entities entities_additional entities_greek entities_latin entities_processNumerical |
N/A |
exportPdf_fileName exportPdf_options exportPdf_service exportPdf_stylesheets exportPdf_tokenUrl |
Refer to the Export to PDF feature guide to learn more about about configuring the HTML to PDF converter in CKEditor 5. |
extraAllowedContent | See config.allowedContent . This can also be achieved via the General HTML Support feature. |
extraPlugins | Learn how to install plugins in CKEditor 5. |
fileTools_defaultFileName fileTools_requestHeaders |
N/A |
filebrowserBrowseUrl filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl filebrowserFlashUploadUrl filebrowserImageBrowseLinkUrl filebrowserImageBrowseUrl filebrowserImageUploadUrl filebrowserUploadMethod filebrowserUploadUrl filebrowserWindowFeatures filebrowserWindowHeight filebrowserWindowWidth |
There is no equivalent of the file browser plugin in CKEditor 5 yet. See also config.uploadUrl . |
fillEmptyBlocks | Blocks are always filled in CKEditor 5 because this ensures that the intention of the content author (who left such empty lines) will be preserved in the output data. |
find_highlight | Refer to the Find and replace feature guide. |
flashAddEmbedTag flashConvertOnEdit flashEmbedTagOnly |
N/A |
floatSpaceDockedOffsetX floatSpaceDockedOffsetY floatSpacePinnedOffsetX floatSpacePinnedOffsetY floatSpacePreferRight |
N/A |
fontSize_defaultLabel fontSize_sizes fontSize_style font_defaultLabel font_names font_style |
Refer to the Font family, size, and color feature guide to learn more about font size, family, and color support in CKEditor 5. |
forceEnterMode | N/A. Se also config.enterMode . |
forcePasteAsPlainText | N/A. No longer needed as CKEditor 5 removes all unwanted markup that cannot be edited with the enabled editor plugins. |
forceSimpleAmpersand | N/A |
format_address format_div format_p format_pre |
N/A |
format_h1 format_h2 format_h3 format_h4 format_h5 format_h6 |
All headings are configurable via config.heading.options . See also the Headings feature guide. |
format_tags | In order to enable additional block tags in CKEditor 5, the General HTML Support feature may be used. Alternatively, a dedicated plugin must be provided. See also config.allowedContent . |
fullPage | Available through the FullPage API. |
grayt_autoStartup | An official integration of the spell and grammar checking functionality for CKEditor 5 is provided by a partner solution, WProofreader. |
Classic editor in CKEditor 5 no longer encapsulates the editing area in an To set the height dynamically (from JavaScript), use the view writer:
See also How to set the height of CKEditor 5 (Classic editor). |
htmlEncodeOutput | N/A. CKEditor 5 outputs HTML markup. See also this StackOverflow question and a dedicated issue. |
ignoreEmptyParagraph | N/A |
image2_alignClasses | Available via more powerful config.image.styles . This also allows for using custom style definitions, not only left, right and center alignment. See the Image styles feature guide. |
image2_altRequired image2_captionedClass image2_defaultLockRatio image2_disableResizer image2_maxSize image2_prefillDimensions |
Refer to the Image feature guide to learn more about image-related features and customization options in CKEditor 5. |
imageUploadUrl | See config.uploadUrl . |
image_prefillDimensions image_previewText image_removeLinkByEmptyURL |
Refer to the Image feature guide to learn more about image-related features and customization options in CKEditor 5. |
indentClasses indentOffset indentUnit |
Refer to the Configuring the block indentation feature guide to learn how to customize the indentation behavior using offsets, units, or classes. |
jqueryOverrideVal | N/A |
justifyClasses | Refer to the Text alignment feature guide. |
Keystroke handlers can be registered using Making keystrokes overridable through |
language language_list |
The support for multiple translations is handled by the translations service. See the UI language feature guide. |
linkDefaultProtocol | |
linkJavaScriptLinksAllowed | N/A |
linkPhoneMsg linkPhoneRegExp |
N/A |
linkShowAdvancedTab | Refer to the Link feature guide to read about setting custom link attributes. |
linkShowTargetTab | See |
magicline_color magicline_everywhere magicline_holdDistance magicline_keystrokeNext magicline_keystrokePrevious magicline_tabuList magicline_triggerOffset |
This functionality is covered by the WidgetTypeAround plugin that allows users to type around widgets where normally it is impossible to place the caret due to limitations of web browsers. |
mathJaxClass mathJaxLib |
N/A. Math equation functionality for CKEditor 5 is provided by a partner solution, MathType. |
maximize_historyIntegration | N/A |
mentions | Refer to the Mentions feature guide to learn more about smart autocompletion based on user input in CKEditor 5. |
menu_groups menu_subMenuDelay |
CKEditor 5 does not come with a context menu. A configurable contextual inline toolbar is preferred instead to offer contextual actions for features such as tables or images. See also toolbar . |
newpage_html | N/A |
notification_duration | N/A |
observableParent | N/A |
Using the configuration file or setting to define event listeners was a bad practice so support for it was dropped. When creating an editor, a Note: The editor instance is not the only object on which events are fired. You can also listen to e.g. |
pasteFilter | Not needed as CKEditor 5 always trims the pasted content to match what the available plugins can handle. If you would like to filter the pasted content even further, please report a ticket. |
pasteFromWordCleanupFile pasteFromWordNumberedHeadingToList pasteFromWordPromptCleanup pasteFromWordRemoveStyles pasteFromWord_heuristicsEdgeList pasteFromWord_inlineImages |
Refer to the Paste from Office feature guide to learn more about support for pasting from Microsoft Word in CKEditor 5. |
pasteTools_keepZeroMargins | Refer to the Paste from Office and Paste from Google Docs feature guides to learn more about support for pasting from external applications in CKEditor 5. |
plugins | See the plugins configuration option. The way how plugins are enabled in CKEditor 5 has changed in general. Check the articles about plugins and custom builds for more information. |
protectedSource | N/A |
readOnly | See editor.isReadOnly and refer to the Read-only feature guide. |
removeButtons | N/A. A similar effect can be achieved by setting the toolbar option with fewer buttons. |
removeDialogTabs | N/A |
removeFormatAttributes removeFormatTags |
Refer to the Remove formatting feature guide to learn how to quickly remove any text formatting applied using inline HTML elements and CSS styles in CKEditor 5. |
removePlugins | See config.removePlugins . |
resize_dir resize_enabled resize_maxHeight resize_maxWidth resize_minHeight resize_minWidth |
No longer needed. The editor automatically grows with content. You can also limit its height with min-height and max-height or set it with height if you need. If you want to allow the users to manually resize the editor, you need to implement this behavior by yourself. |
scayt_autoStartup scayt_contextCommands scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder scayt_customDictionaryIds scayt_customPunctuation scayt_customerId scayt_disableOptionsStorage scayt_elementsToIgnore scayt_handleCheckDirty scayt_handleUndoRedo scayt_ignoreAllCapsWords scayt_ignoreDomainNames scayt_ignoreWordsWithMixedCases scayt_ignoreWordsWithNumbers scayt_inlineModeImmediateMarkup scayt_maxSuggestions scayt_minWordLength scayt_moreSuggestions scayt_sLang scayt_serviceHost scayt_servicePath scayt_servicePort scayt_serviceProtocol scayt_srcUrl scayt_uiTabs scayt_userDictionaryName |
The spell and grammar checking functionality for CKEditor 5 is provided by a partner solution, WProofreader. |
N/A. The decoupled editor allows configuring where to insert the toolbar and the editable element. In addition to that, CKEditor 5 Framework architecture allows for writing a custom editor that contains multiple editable elements (document roots). See the multi-root editor example. | |
N/A. CKEditor 5 always creates a new paragraph ( Shift+Enter can be used for creating soft line breaks. |
N/A. CKEditor 5 always moves line breaks ( |
In CKEditor 5 lots of changes to the interface can be easily made by changing the default CKEditor theme. See the Theme customization guide. For heavy UI modifications, like integrating CKEditor with a custom UI framework, building a custom editor is needed. See the Third-party UI guide. |
smiley_columns smiley_descriptions smiley_images smiley_path |
There is no dedicated smiley plugin in CKEditor 5. However, the emoji can be pasted into the rich-text editor as Unicode content. Also the Automatic text transformation feature may be configured to deliver Unicode emojis with shortcodes. The Special characters feature may be used to input emojis as well. |
sourceAreaTabSize | N/A |
specialChars | Refer to the Special characters feature guide to learn more about support for inserting special characters in CKEditor 5. |
startupFocus | N/A |
startupMode | N/A |
startupOutlineBlocks | N/A |
startupShowBorders | N/A |
stylesSet | Refer to the Styles feature guide to learn more about applying styles to the editor content. |
stylesheetParser_skipSelectors stylesheetParser_validSelectors |
N/A |
tabIndex | N/A |
tabletools_scopedHeaders | N/A |
tabSpaces | N/A |
templates templates_files templates_replaceContent |
Refer to the Templates guide to learn about support for templates in CKEditor 5. |
title | N/A |
See See also |
toolbarCanCollapse | N/A. The toolbar cannot be collapsed manually by the user. For distraction-free editing with the toolbar appearing when you need it, use inline, balloon, or balloon block editor. |
toolbarGroupCycling toolbarGroups |
N/A. The toolbar buttons can be grouped by using '|' as a separator or divided into multiple lines by using '-' . Refer to the toolbar guide to learn more about managing toolbar items behavior in CKEditor 5. |
toolbarLocation | N/A. Can be achieved by using the decoupled editor or writing an editor with a customized UI view, like in this editor with bottom toolbar. |
toolbarStartupExpanded | N/A |
uiColor | CKEditor 5 comes with a concept of much more powerful themes, where almost every aspect of the UI can be styled easily. See the Theme customization guide and Theme customization example. Thanks to CSS variables rebuilding the editor is not needed to change its styles. |
undoStackSize | See config.typing.undoStep . |
There are several image upload strategies supported by CKEditor 5. Check out the Image upload guide to learn more. |
useComputedState | N/A |
widget_keystrokeInsertLineAfter widget_keystrokeInsertLineBefore |
In CKEditor 5 a new paragraph can be inserted directly after a widget with Enter and directly before a widget — with Shift + Enter. |
Classic editor in CKEditor 5 no longer encapsulates the editing area in an To set the width dynamically (from JavaScript), use the view writer:
See also How to set the height of CKEditor 5 (Classic editor). |
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