Update to CKEditor 5 v35.x
When updating your CKEditor 5 installation, make sure all the packages are the same version to avoid errors.
For custom builds, you may try removing the package-lock.json
or yarn.lock
files (if applicable) and reinstalling all packages before rebuilding the editor. For best results, make sure you use the most recent package versions.
# Update to CKEditor 5 v35.2.0
For the entire list of changes introduced in version 35.2.0, see the release notes for CKEditor 5 v35.2.0.
Listed below are the most important changes that require your attention when upgrading to CKEditor 5 v35.2.0.
# Introducing external comments
In this release, we are introducing external comments and suggestions. Currently, they are used by the import from Word feature. However, other features may use them in the future as well.
External comments and suggestions display their content, author name and date as provided from an external source (e.g. a Word document).
Even if you do not plan to use the import from Word feature, we recommend following this migration guide. It will make your integration ready in case you decide to use external comments or suggestions in the future.
# Saving external comments and suggestions data
This information applies only to integrations that use the non-real-time collaboration features.
The external data for external comments and suggestions is kept in the newly added @external
attribute. It is an object with two fields: authorName
) and createdAt
Other properties and attributes for comments and suggestions are used in the regular way. The authorId
property is set to the author who performed the import.
The external data is shown in the UI, but it is not authenticated (as it comes from an external source). Because of that, it is important to introduce some security measures when saving external comments and suggestions:
- The
attribute should be read-only and possible to set only when a comment or suggestion is created. - Other comment and suggestion properties (like
) should be read-only as well, if the@external
attribute is set.
# Templates for CommentView
and SuggestionThreadView
have changed
This information applies only to integrations that use custom annotation views or templates.
Since the data in external comments and suggestions is not authenticated, we decided to add a label that informs users that a given item comes from an external source.
This changes the CommentView
template and the SuggestionThreadView
template. The label is added at the end of these templates. Please check the new templates to see whether this change affects your custom view.
# Comment input editor is now loaded on demand
This information applies only to custom features depending on the comment input editor.
Comment input editor is now initialized on demand (when the comment view is focused for the first time) instead of when it is rendered.
If your custom feature somehow depends on comment input editor, it may need to be updated.
# Custom annotations must be registered in EditorAnnotations
This information applies only to custom features that create their own Annotation
The Annotation
instances which target to a marker or a DOM element inside the editor editable must now be manually registered using EditorAnnotations#registerAnnotation()
to provide correct focus tracking between the annotation and the editor.
// Before:
const annotation = new Annotation( ... );
editor.plugins.get( 'Annotations' ).add( annotation );
// After:
const annotation = new Annotation( ... );
editor.plugins.get( 'EditorAnnotations' ).registerAnnotation( annotation );
editor.plugins.get( 'Annotations' ).add( annotation );
# Icons paths changed
Among other changes, a few icons have been moved around the project. Please observe these changes especially if you use custom UI elements that call these icons.
- The
icon has been moved to the@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core
package. - The
icon has been moved to the@ckeditor/ckeditor5-core
The rest of the import path remained unchanged (/theme/icons/
# Update to CKEditor 5 v35.1.0
For the entire list of changes introduced in version 35.1.0, see the release notes for CKEditor 5 v35.1.0.
Listed below are the most important changes that require your attention when upgrading to CKEditor 5 v35.1.0.
# Changes to API providing the accessible navigation between editing roots and toolbars on Alt+F10 and Esc keystrokes
This information applies only to integrators who develop their own editor creators from scratch by using the Editor
and EditorUI
classes as building blocks.
- The
helper that allowed the navigation has been removed. To bring this functionality back, use theaddToolbar
method instead. - Also, please note that editable elements are now automatically added to the main focus tracker and should not be added individually.
import { EditorUI } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
export default class MyEditorUI extends EditorUI {
// ...
init() {
const view = this.view;
const editableElement = view.editable.element;
const toolbarViewInstance = this.view.toolbar;
// ...
this.setEditableElement( 'editableName', editableElement );
this.focusTracker.add( editableElement );
enableToolbarKeyboardFocus( {
// ...
toolbar: toolbarViewInstance
} );
// ...
import { EditorUI } from 'ckeditor5/src/core';
// Or `import { EditorUI } from 'ckeditor5/src/ui';` if you update to v36.x;
export default class MyEditorUI extends EditorUI {
// ...
init() {
const view = this.view;
const editableElement = view.editable.element;
const toolbarViewInstance = this.view.toolbar;
// ...
// Note: You should not add the editable element to the focus tracker here.
// This is handled internally by the EditorUI#setEditableElement() method.
this.setEditableElement( 'editableName', editableElement );
// Note: Add the toolbar to enable Alt+F10 navigation.
// The rest (e.g. the Esc key handling) is handled by EditorUI#setEditableElement() method.
this.addToolbar( toolbarViewInstance );
// ...
# Removal of the TooltipView
class and changes to the tooltip system
Please note, that this change does not affect integrations that configure tooltips of core UI components, for instance tooltip
Starting with v35.1.0, the TooltipView
UI component has been removed from the ckeditor5-ui package. Instead, a new tooltip API is available based on the data-cke-tooltip-*
DOM element attributes.
It may happen that your integration creates instances of TooltipView
and injects them into the DOM in a similar way:
// ❌ Old tooltip API
import { TooltipView } from 'ckeditor5/src/ui';
const tooltip = new TooltipView();
tooltip.text = 'Tooltip text';
tooltip.position = 'sw';
DOMElementThatNeedsTooltip.appendChild( tooltip.element );
/* ❌ Old tooltip API */
.dom-element-that-needs-tooltip:hover .ck-tooltip {
visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
If this is the case, you should now use the data-cke-tooltip-*
attributes and let the editor’s built–in TooltipManager
handle the rest:
// ✅ New tooltip API
DOMElementThatNeedsTooltip.dataset.ckeTooltipText = 'Tooltip text';
DOMElementThatNeedsTooltip.dataset.ckeTooltipPosition = 'sw';
Keep in mind that you do not need to worry about showing and hiding your custom tooltips in CSS. The TooltipManager
will attach a tooltip whenever the user moves the mouse or brings the focus to a DOM element with the data-cke-tooltip-*
attributes. For more information, please refer to the TooltipManager
# Changes to the color palette in the UI
In this release, several changes were made to improve the accessibility and overall contrast of the UI. Since we understand that some integrations may prefer the previous look of the editor, we prepared a CSS snippet you can use to bring it back.
For the best results, make sure the custom properties listed below are set after the main editor style sheets. For more information, please check out the theme customization guide.
:root {
--ck-color-base-border: hsl(0, 0%, 77%);
--ck-color-base-action: hsl(104, 44%, 48%);
--ck-color-base-active: hsl(208, 88%, 52%);
--ck-color-base-active-focus: hsl(208, 88%, 47%);
--ck-color-focus-border-coordinates: 208, 79%, 51%;
--ck-color-focus-outer-shadow: hsl(207, 89%, 86%);
--ck-color-button-default-hover-background: hsl(0, 0%, 90%);
--ck-color-button-default-active-background: hsl(0, 0%, 85%);
--ck-color-button-default-active-shadow: hsl(0, 0%, 75%);
--ck-color-button-on-background: hsl(0, 0%, 87%);
--ck-color-button-on-hover-background: hsl(0, 0%, 77%);
--ck-color-button-on-active-background: hsl(0, 0%, 73%);
--ck-color-button-on-active-shadow: hsl(0, 0%, 63%);
--ck-color-button-on-disabled-background: hsl(0, 0%, 87%);
--ck-color-button-on-color: var(--ck-color-text);
--ck-color-button-action-hover-background: hsl(104, 44%, 43%);
--ck-color-button-action-active-background: hsl(104, 44%, 41%);
--ck-color-button-action-active-shadow: hsl(104, 44%, 36%);
--ck-color-switch-button-off-background: hsl(0, 0%, 69%);
--ck-color-switch-button-off-hover-background: hsl(0, 0%, 64%);
--ck-color-switch-button-on-hover-background: hsl(104, 44%, 43%);
--ck-color-input-border: hsl(0, 0%, 78%);
--ck-color-input-disabled-border: hsl(0, 0%, 78%);
--ck-color-list-button-on-background: var(--ck-color-base-active);
--ck-color-list-button-on-background-focus: var(--ck-color-base-active-focus);
--ck-color-toolbar-background: var(--ck-color-base-foreground);
# Renaming the properties of BalloonPanelView
The static properties of BalloonPanelView
have been renamed.
The BalloonPanelView.arrowVerticalOffset
static property is now arrowHeightOffset
and BalloonPanelView.arrowHorizontalOffset
is now arrowSideOffset
# Update to CKEditor 5 v35.0.0
For the entire list of changes introduced in version 35.0.0, see the release notes for CKEditor 5 v35.0.0.
Listed below are the most important changes that require your attention when upgrading to CKEditor 5 v35.0.0.
# The source element is not updated automatically after the editor destroy
The last version of CKEditor 5 changes the default behavior of the source element after the editor is destroyed (when editor.destroy()
is called). So far, the source element was updated with the output coming from editor.getData()
. Now, the source element becomes empty after the editor is destroyed and it is not updated anymore.
However, this behavior is configurable and could be enabled with the updateSourceElementOnDestroy
configuration option:
ClassicEditor.create( sourceElement, {
// ...
updateSourceElementOnDestroy: true
} );
Enabling the updateSourceElementOnDestroy
option in your configuration, depending on the plugins you use, might have some security implications. While the editing view is secured, there might be some unsafe content in the data output, so enable this option only if you know what you are doing. Be especially careful when using the Markdown, General HTML Support and HTML embed features.
# Dropdown focus is moved back to the dropdown button after choosing an option
Due to the ongoing accessibility improvements the default behavior of the dropdown UI component has been changed. From now on, by default, after choosing an option from a dropdown (either by mouse or keyboard), the focus will be automatically moved to the dropdown button.
This default behavior of the dropdown component needs to be overridden in scenarios where the focus should be moved back to the editing area. An example of such a feature would be the “Heading” dropdown — choosing one of the options should result in the focus returning to the editing area instead of the button itself.
This behavior can be customized by using the listener on the dropdown’s execute
event, e.g.:
// Option 1.
// If the `execute` event is delegated to the dropdown, one listener can handle both:
// executing the command (assuming the dropdown executes it) and focusing the editor editing view.
dropdownView.on( 'execute', () => {
editor.execute( 'myCommand' );
} );
// Option 2.
// Otherwise, a dedicated listener may need to be added.
buttonInsideADropdown.on( 'execute', () => {
editor.execute( 'myCommand' );
} );
dropdownView.on( 'execute', () => {
} );
# There is now a TypeScript code on GitHub (and how it affects your build)
Starting from v35.0.0, the first of CKEditor 5 packages (namely: @ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils
) is developed in TypeScript. This is the first step of our migration to TypeScript.
# Whom does it affect?
It affects you only if you use the source code directly from git repository (GitHub). If you use it via any other channel (npm, CDN, ZIP, etc.) this change is completely transparent for you as we publish only JavaScript code there.
# How does it affect you?
For instance, if you happen to have a custom CKEditor 5 build that, for some reason, installs its dependencies from the git repository, you will need to update your webpack config to support the TypeScript code.
You can find the inspiration on how to change your configuration in this commit (this one makes the discussed change in our builds).
Every day, we work hard to keep our documentation complete. Have you spotted outdated information? Is something missing? Please report it via our issue tracker.