
Collection (utils)



Collections are ordered sets of objects. Items in the collection can be retrieved by their indexes in the collection (like in an array) or by their ids.

If an object without an id property is being added to the collection, the id property will be generated automatically. Note that the automatically generated id is unique only within this single collection instance.

By default an item in the collection is identified by its id property. The name of the identifier can be configured through the constructor of the collection.



  • first

    Returns the first item from the collection or null when collection is empty.

  • last

    Returns the last item from the collection or null when collection is empty.

  • length : Number

    The number of items available in the collection.

  • protected

    _bindToCollection : Collection

    A collection instance this collection is bound to as a result of calling bindTo method.

  • protected

    _bindToExternalToInternalMap : WeakMap

    A helper mapping external items of a bound collection (bindTo) and actual items of this collection. It provides information necessary to properly remove items bound to another collection.

    See _bindToInternalToExternalMap.

  • protected

    _bindToInternalToExternalMap : WeakMap

    A helper mapping items of this collection to external items of a bound collection (bindTo). It provides information necessary to manage the bindings, e.g. to avoid loops in two–way bindings.

    See _bindToExternalToInternalMap.

  • private

    _idProperty : String

    The name of the property which is considered to identify an item.

  • private

    _itemMap : Map

    The internal map of items in the collection.

  • private

    _items : Array.<Object>

    The internal list of items in the collection.

  • private

    _skippedIndexesFromExternal : Array

    Stores indexes of skipped items from bound external collection.


  • constructor( [ initialItemsOrOptions ], [ options ] = { [options.idProperty] } )

    Creates a new Collection instance.

    You can provide an iterable of initial items the collection will be created with:

    const collection = new Collection( [ { id: 'John' }, { id: 'Mike' } ] );
    console.log( collection.get( 0 ) ); // -> { id: 'John' }
    console.log( collection.get( 1 ) ); // -> { id: 'Mike' }
    console.log( collection.get( 'Mike' ) ); // -> { id: 'Mike' }

    Or you can first create a collection and then add new items using the add method:

    const collection = new Collection();
    collection.add( { id: 'John' } );
    console.log( collection.get( 0 ) ); // -> { id: 'John' }

    Whatever option you choose, you can always pass a configuration object as the last argument of the constructor:

    const emptyCollection = new Collection( { idProperty: 'name' } );
    emptyCollection.add( { name: 'John' } );
    console.log( collection.get( 'John' ) ); // -> { name: 'John' }
    const nonEmptyCollection = new Collection( [ { name: 'John' } ], { idProperty: 'name' } );
    nonEmptyCollection.add( { name: 'George' } );
    console.log( collection.get( 'George' ) ); // -> { name: 'George' }
    console.log( collection.get( 'John' ) ); // -> { name: 'John' }


    [ initialItemsOrOptions ] : Iterable.<Object> | Object

    The initial items of the collection or the options object.

    [ options ] : Object

    The options object, when the first argument is an array of initial items.

    [ options.idProperty ] : String

    The name of the property which is used to identify an item. Items that do not have such a property will be assigned one when added to the collection.

    Defaults to 'id'

    Defaults to {}

  • Symbol.iterator() → Iterable.<*>

    Iterable interface.


  • add( item, [ index ] )

    Adds an item into the collection.

    If the item does not have an id, then it will be automatically generated and set on the item.


    item : Object
    [ index ] : Number

    The position of the item in the collection. The item is pushed to the collection when index not specified.


  • addMany( item, [ index ] )

    Adds multiple items into the collection.

    Any item not containing an id will get an automatically generated one.


    item : Iterable.<Object>
    [ index ] : Number

    The position of the insertion. Items will be appended if no index is specified.


  • bindTo( externalCollection ) → Object

    Binds and synchronizes the collection with another one.

    The binding can be a simple factory:

    class FactoryClass {
    	constructor( data ) {
    		this.label = data.label;
    const source = new Collection( { idProperty: 'label' } );
    const target = new Collection();
    target.bindTo( source ).as( FactoryClass );
    source.add( { label: 'foo' } );
    source.add( { label: 'bar' } );
    console.log( target.length ); // 2
    console.log( target.get( 1 ).label ); // 'bar'
    source.remove( 0 );
    console.log( target.length ); // 1
    console.log( target.get( 0 ).label ); // 'bar'

    or the factory driven by a custom callback:

    class FooClass {
    	constructor( data ) {
    		this.label = data.label;
    class BarClass {
    	constructor( data ) {
    		this.label = data.label;
    const source = new Collection( { idProperty: 'label' } );
    const target = new Collection();
    target.bindTo( source ).using( ( item ) => {
    	if ( item.label == 'foo' ) {
    		return new FooClass( item );
    	} else {
    		return new BarClass( item );
    } );
    source.add( { label: 'foo' } );
    source.add( { label: 'bar' } );
    console.log( target.length ); // 2
    console.log( target.get( 0 ) instanceof FooClass ); // true
    console.log( target.get( 1 ) instanceof BarClass ); // true

    or the factory out of property name:

    const source = new Collection( { idProperty: 'label' } );
    const target = new Collection();
    target.bindTo( source ).using( 'label' );
    source.add( { label: { value: 'foo' } } );
    source.add( { label: { value: 'bar' } } );
    console.log( target.length ); // 2
    console.log( target.get( 0 ).value ); // 'foo'
    console.log( target.get( 1 ).value ); // 'bar'

    It's possible to skip specified items by returning falsy value:

    const source = new Collection();
    const target = new Collection();
    target.bindTo( source ).using( item => {
    	if ( item.hidden ) {
    		return null;
    	return item;
    } );
    source.add( { hidden: true } );
    source.add( { hidden: false } );
    console.log( source.length ); // 2
    console.log( target.length ); // 1

    Note: clear can be used to break the binding.


    externalCollection : Collection

    A collection to be bound.



    The binding chain object.

  • clear()

    Removes all items from the collection and destroys the binding created using bindTo.


  • mixed

    delegate( events ) → EmitterMixinDelegateChain

    Delegates selected events to another Emitter. For instance:

    emitterA.delegate( 'eventX' ).to( emitterB );
    emitterA.delegate( 'eventX', 'eventY' ).to( emitterC );

    then eventX is delegated (fired by) emitterB and emitterC along with data: 'eventX', data );

    and eventY is delegated (fired by) emitterC along with data: 'eventY', data );


    events : String

    Event names that will be delegated to another emitter.


  • filter( callback, callback.item, callback.index, ctx ) → Array.<Object>

    Returns an array with items for which the callback returned a true value.


    callback : function
    callback.item : Object
    callback.index : Number
    ctx : Object

    Context in which the callback will be called.



    The array with matching items.

  • find( callback, callback.item, callback.index, ctx ) → Object

    Finds the first item in the collection for which the callback returns a true value.


    callback : function
    callback.item : Object
    callback.index : Number
    ctx : Object

    Context in which the callback will be called.



    The item for which callback returned a true value.

  • mixed

    fire( eventOrInfo, [ args ] ) → *

    Fires an event, executing all callbacks registered for it.

    The first parameter passed to callbacks is an EventInfo object, followed by the optional args provided in the fire() method call.


    eventOrInfo : String | EventInfo

    The name of the event or EventInfo object if event is delegated.

    [ args ] : *

    Additional arguments to be passed to the callbacks.



    By default the method returns undefined. However, the return value can be changed by listeners through modification of the evt.return's property (the event info is the first param of every callback).

  • get( idOrIndex ) → Object | null

    Gets an item by its ID or index.


    idOrIndex : String | Number

    The item ID or index in the collection.


    Object | null

    The requested item or null if such item does not exist.

  • getIndex( itemOrId ) → Number

    Gets an index of an item in the collection. When an item is not defined in the collection, the index will equal -1.


    itemOrId : Object | String

    The item or its ID in the collection.



    The index of a given item.

  • has( itemOrId ) → Boolean

    Returns a Boolean indicating whether the collection contains an item.


    itemOrId : Object | String

    The item or its ID in the collection.



    true if the collection contains the item, false otherwise.

  • mixed

    listenTo( emitter, event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )

    Registers a callback function to be executed when an event is fired in a specific (emitter) object.

    Events can be grouped in namespaces using :. When namespaced event is fired, it additionally fires all callbacks for that namespace.

    // myEmitter.on( ... ) is a shorthand for myEmitter.listenTo( myEmitter, ... ).
    myEmitter.on( 'myGroup', genericCallback );
    myEmitter.on( 'myGroup:myEvent', specificCallback );
    // genericCallback is fired. 'myGroup' );
    // both genericCallback and specificCallback are fired. 'myGroup:myEvent' );
    // genericCallback is fired even though there are no callbacks for "foo". 'myGroup:foo' );

    An event callback can stop the event and set the return value of the fire method.


    emitter : Emitter

    The object that fires the event.

    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • map( callback, callback.item, callback.index, ctx ) → Array

    Executes the callback for each item in the collection and composes an array or values returned by this callback.


    callback : function
    callback.item : Object
    callback.index : Number
    ctx : Object

    Context in which the callback will be called.



    The result of mapping.

  • mixed

    off( event, callback )

    Stops executing the callback on the given event. Shorthand for this.stopListening( this, event, callback ).


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to stop being called.

  • mixed

    on( event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )

    Registers a callback function to be executed when an event is fired.

    Shorthand for this.listenTo( this, event, callback, options ) (it makes the emitter listen on itself).


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • mixed

    once( event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )

    Registers a callback function to be executed on the next time the event is fired only. This is similar to calling on followed by off in the callback.


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • remove( subject ) → Object

    Removes an item from the collection.


    subject : Object | Number | String

    The item to remove, its ID or index in the collection.



    The removed item.


  • mixed

    stopDelegating( [ event ], [ emitter ] )

    Stops delegating events. It can be used at different levels:

    • To stop delegating all events.
    • To stop delegating a specific event to all emitters.
    • To stop delegating a specific event to a specific emitter.


    [ event ] : String

    The name of the event to stop delegating. If omitted, stops it all delegations.

    [ emitter ] : Emitter

    (requires event) The object to stop delegating a particular event to. If omitted, stops delegation of event to all emitters.

  • mixed

    stopListening( [ emitter ], [ event ], [ callback ] )

    Stops listening for events. It can be used at different levels:

    • To stop listening to a specific callback.
    • To stop listening to a specific event.
    • To stop listening to all events fired by a specific object.
    • To stop listening to all events fired by all objects.


    [ emitter ] : Emitter

    The object to stop listening to. If omitted, stops it for all objects.

    [ event ] : String

    (Requires the emitter) The name of the event to stop listening to. If omitted, stops it for all events from emitter.

    [ callback ] : function

    (Requires the event) The function to be removed from the call list for the given event.

  • protected mixed

    _addEventListener( event, callback, [ options ] = { [options.priority] } )

    Adds callback to emitter for given event.


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to be called on event.

    [ options ] : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.priority ] : PriorityString | Number

    The priority of this event callback. The higher the priority value the sooner the callback will be fired. Events having the same priority are called in the order they were added.

    Defaults to 'normal'

    Defaults to {}

  • protected mixed

    _removeEventListener( event, callback )

    Removes callback from emitter for given event.


    event : String

    The name of the event.

    callback : function

    The function to stop being called.

  • protected

    _setUpBindToBinding( factory )

    Finalizes and activates a binding initiated by {#bindTo}.


    factory : function

    A function which produces collection items.

  • private

    _getItemIdBeforeAdding( item ) → String

    Returns an unique id property for a given item.

    The method will generate new id and assign it to the item if it doesn't have any.


    item : Object

    Item to be added.


  • private

    _remove( subject ) → Array

    Core remove method implementation shared in other functions.

    In contrast this method does not fire the event-change event.


    subject : Object

    The item to remove, its id or index in the collection.



    Returns an array with the removed item and its index.



  • add( eventInfo, item )

    Fired when an item is added to the collection.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    item : Object

    The added item.

  • change( eventInfo, added, removed, index )

    Fired when the collection was changed due to adding or removing items.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    added : Iterable.<Object>

    A list of added items.

    removed : Iterable.<Object>

    A list of removed items.

    index : Number

    An index where the addition or removal occurred.

  • remove( eventInfo, item, index )

    Fired when an item is removed from the collection.


    eventInfo : EventInfo

    An object containing information about the fired event.

    item : Object

    The removed item.

    index : Number

    Index from which item was removed.