
Differ (engine/model)



Calculates the difference between two model states.

Receives operations that are to be applied on the model document. Marks parts of the model document tree which are changed and saves the state of these elements before the change. Then, it compares saved elements with the changed elements, after all changes are applied on the model document. Calculates the diff between saved elements and new ones and returns a change set.



  • readonly

    isEmpty : Boolean

    Informs whether there are any changes buffered in Differ.

  • private

    _cachedChanges : Array.<Object> | null

    For efficiency purposes, Differ stores the change set returned by the differ after getChanges call. Cache is reset each time a new operation is buffered. If the cache has not been reset, getChanges will return the cached value instead of calculating it again.

    This property stores those changes that did not take place in graveyard root.

  • private

    _cachedChangesWithGraveyard : Array.<Object> | null

    For efficiency purposes, Differ stores the change set returned by the differ after the getChanges call. The cache is reset each time a new operation is buffered. If the cache has not been reset, getChanges will return the cached value instead of calculating it again.

    This property stores all changes evaluated by Differ, including those that took place in the graveyard.

  • private

    _changeCount : Number

    Stores the number of changes that were processed. Used to order the changes chronologically. It is important when changes are sorted.

  • private

    _changedMarkers : Map.<String, Object>

    A map that stores all changed markers.

    The keys of the map are marker names. The values of the map are objects with the following properties:

    • oldMarkerData,
    • newMarkerData.
  • private

    _changesInElement : Map

    A map that stores changes that happened in a given element.

    The keys of the map are references to the model elements. The values of the map are arrays with changes that were done on this element.

  • private

    _elementSnapshots : Map

    A map that stores "element's children snapshots". A snapshot is representing children of a given element before the first change was applied on that element. Snapshot items are objects with two properties: name, containing the element name (or '$text' for a text node) and attributes which is a map of the node's attributes.

  • private

    _markerCollection : MarkerCollection

    Reference to the model's marker collection.

  • private

    _refreshedItems : Set.<Item>

    Set of model items that were marked to get refreshed in _refreshItem.


  • constructor( markerCollection )

    Creates a Differ instance.


    markerCollection : MarkerCollection

    Model's marker collection.

  • bufferMarkerChange( markerName, oldMarkerData, newMarkerData )

    Buffers a marker change.


    markerName : String

    The name of the marker that changed.

    oldMarkerData : MarkerData

    Marker data before the change.

    newMarkerData : MarkerData

    Marker data after the change.

  • bufferOperation( operation )

    Buffers the given operation. An operation has to be buffered before it is executed.

    Operation type is checked and it is checked which nodes it will affect. These nodes are then stored in Differ in the state before the operation is executed.


    operation : Operation

    An operation to buffer.

  • getChangedMarkers() → Array.<Object>

    Returns all markers which changed.


  • getChanges( options = { [options.includeChangesInGraveyard] } ) → Array.<DiffItem>

    Calculates the diff between the old model tree state (the state before the first buffered operations since the last reset call) and the new model tree state (actual one). It should be called after all buffered operations are executed.

    The diff set is returned as an array of diff items, each describing a change done on the model. The items are sorted by the position on which the change happened. If a position is before another one, it will be on an earlier index in the diff set.

    Note: Elements inside inserted element will not have a separate diff item, only the top most element change will be reported.

    Because calculating the diff is a costly operation, the result is cached. If no new operation was buffered since the previous getChanges call, the next call will return the cached value.


    options : Object

    Additional options.

    [ options.includeChangesInGraveyard ] : Boolean

    If set to true, also changes that happened in the graveyard root will be returned. By default, changes in the graveyard root are not returned.

    Defaults to false



    Diff between the old and the new model tree state.

  • getMarkersToAdd() → Array.<Object>

    Returns all markers which should be added as a result of buffered changes.



    Markers to add. Each array item is an object containing the name and range properties.

  • getMarkersToRemove() → Array.<Object>

    Returns all markers that should be removed as a result of buffered changes.



    Markers to remove. Each array item is an object containing the name and range properties.

  • getRefreshedItems() → Set.<Item>

    Returns a set of model items that were marked to get refreshed.


  • hasDataChanges() → Boolean

    Checks whether some of the buffered changes affect the editor data.

    Types of changes which affect the editor data:

    • model structure changes,
    • attribute changes,
    • changes of markers which were defined as affectsData,
    • changes of markers' affectsData property.


  • reset()

    Resets Differ. Removes all buffered changes.

  • protected

    _refreshItem( item )

    Marks the given item in differ to be "refreshed". It means that the item will be marked as removed and inserted in the differ changes set, so it will be effectively re-converted when the differ changes are handled by a dispatcher.


    item : Item

    Item to refresh.

  • private

    _getAttributesDiff( range, oldAttributes, newAttributes ) → Array.<Object>

    Returns an array of objects where each one is a single attribute change description.


    range : Range

    The range where the change happened.

    oldAttributes : Map

    A map, map iterator or compatible object that contains attributes before the change.

    newAttributes : Map

    A map, map iterator or compatible object that contains attributes after the change.



    An array containing one or more diff items.

  • private

    _getChangesForElement( element ) → Array.<Object>

    Gets an array of changes that have already been saved for a given element.


    element : Element


  • private

    _getInsertDiff( parent, offset, elementSnapshot ) → Object

    Returns an object with a single insert change description.


    parent : Element

    The element in which the change happened.

    offset : Number

    The offset at which change happened.

    elementSnapshot : Object

    The snapshot of the removed element a character.



    The diff item.

  • private

    _getRemoveDiff( parent, offset, elementSnapshot ) → Object

    Returns an object with a single remove change description.


    parent : Element

    The element in which change happened.

    offset : Number

    The offset at which change happened.

    elementSnapshot : Object

    The snapshot of the removed element a character.



    The diff item.

  • private

    _handleChange( inc, changes )

    For a given newly saved change, compares it with a change already done on the element and modifies the incoming change and/or the old change.


    inc : Object

    Incoming (new) change.

    changes : Array.<Object>

    An array containing all the changes done on that element.

  • private

    _isInInsertedElement( element ) → Boolean

    Checks whether given element or any of its parents is an element that is buffered as an inserted element.


    element : Element

    Element to check.


  • private

    _makeSnapshot( element )

    Saves a children snapshot for a given element.


    element : Element
  • private

    _markAttribute( item )

    Saves and handles an attribute change.


    item : Item
  • private

    _markChange( parent, changeItem )

    Saves and handles a model change.


    parent : Element
    changeItem : Object
  • private

    _markInsert( parent, offset, howMany )

    Saves and handles an insert change.


    parent : Element
    offset : Number
    howMany : Number
  • private

    _markRemove( parent, offset, howMany )

    Saves and handles a remove change.


    parent : Element
    offset : Number
    howMany : Number
  • private

    _removeAllNestedChanges( parent, offset, howMany )

    Removes deeply all buffered changes that are registered in elements from range specified by parent, offset and howMany.


    parent : Element
    offset : Number
    howMany : Number