Executes the upload process.
This method should return a promise that will resolve when data will be uploaded to server. Promise should be
resolved with an object containing information about uploaded file:
default: 'http://server/default-size.image.png'
Additionally, other image sizes can be provided:
default: 'http://server/default-size.image.png',
'160': 'http://server/size-160.image.png',
'500': 'http://server/size-500.image.png',
'1000': 'http://server/size-1000.image.png',
'1052': 'http://server/default-size.image.png'
You can also pass additional properties from the server. In this case you need to wrap URLs
in the urls
object and pass additional properties along the urls
myCustomProperty: 'foo',
urls: {
default: 'http://server/default-size.image.png',
'160': 'http://server/size-160.image.png',
'500': 'http://server/size-500.image.png',
'1000': 'http://server/size-1000.image.png',
'1052': 'http://server/default-size.image.png'
NOTE: When returning multiple images, the widest returned one should equal the default one. It is essential to
correctly set width
attribute of the image. See this discussion:
https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5-easy-image/issues/4 for more information.
Take a look at example Adapter implementation and
createUploadAdapter method.
Promise that should be resolved when data is uploaded.