
LinkConfig (link)



The configuration of the link feature.

    .create( editorElement, {
        link:  ... // Link feature configuration.
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

See all editor options.



  • When set to true, the target="blank" and rel="noopener noreferrer" attributes are automatically added to all external links in the editor. "External links" are all links in the editor content starting with http, https, or //.

        .create( editorElement, {
            link: {
                addTargetToExternalLinks: true
        } )
        .then( ... )
        .catch( ... );

    Internally, this option activates a predefined automatic link decorator that extends all external links with the target and rel attributes.

    Note: To control the target and rel attributes of specific links in the edited content, a dedicated manual decorator must be defined in the array. In such scenario, the option should remain undefined or false to not interfere with the manual decorator.

    It is possible to add other automatic or manual link decorators when this option is active.

    More information about decorators can be found in the decorators configuration reference.

    Defaults to false

  • decorators : Object.<String, LinkDecoratorDefinition>

    Decorators provide an easy way to configure and manage additional link attributes in the editor content. There are two types of link decorators:

    • Automatic – They match links against pre–defined rules and manage their attributes based on the results.
    • Manual – They allow users to control link attributes individually, using the editor UI.

    Link decorators are defined as objects with key-value pairs, where the key is the name provided for a given decorator and the value is the decorator definition.

    The name of the decorator also corresponds to the text attribute in the model. For instance, the isExternal decorator below is represented as a linkIsExternal attribute in the model.

        .create( editorElement, {
            link: {
                decorators: {
                    isExternal: {
                        mode: 'automatic',
                        callback: url => url.startsWith( 'http://' ),
                        attributes: {
                            target: '_blank',
                            rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
                    isDownloadable: {
                        mode: 'manual',
                        label: 'Downloadable',
                        attributes: {
                            download: 'file.png',
                    // ...
        } )
        .then( ... )
        .catch( ... );

    To learn more about the configuration syntax, check out the automatic and manual decorator option reference.

    Warning: Currently, link decorators work independently of one another and no conflict resolution mechanism exists. For example, configuring the target attribute using both an automatic and a manual decorator at the same time could end up with quirky results. The same applies if multiple manual or automatic decorators were defined for the same attribute.

    Note: Since the target attribute management for external links is a common use case, there is a predefined automatic decorator dedicated for that purpose which can be enabled by turning a single option on. Check out the configuration description to learn more.

    See also the link feature guide for more information.