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guideCKEditor 5 Framework

CKEditor 5 Framework is a set of components allowing you to create any kind of rich text editing solution.

Use the navigation tree on the leftmain menu button in the upper-left corner to navigate through CKEditor 5 Framework documentation.

  • Features – Learn about some of the features included in CKEditor 5 Framework.
  • Examples – Try live demos of all available builds. View some of the possible customizations of CKEditor.

The CKEditor 5 Framework documentation is still in progress, so it may be lacking many things. Feel free to suggest documentation enhancements and share your feedback about the framework.

If the documentation is insufficient, please do not be afraid of looking into the source code of CKEditor 5 packages. For example if you plan to create a new feature, check if a similar feature already exists and try to take inspiration from its source code.