
ExportPdfConfig (export-pdf)



The configuration of the export to PDF feature. It is used by the PDF export features from the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-export-pdf package.

    .create( editorElement, {
        exportPdf: ... // Export to PDF feature options.
    } )
    .then( ... )
    .catch( ... );

See all editor options.



  • converterOptions : Object

    The HTML to PDF converter options.

    NOTE: Configuring the plugin is not mandatory but it is highly recommended, especially if you want to get the most accurate results when generating the PDF file. To learn more, please check the HTML to PDF converter configuration.

    const exportPdfConfig = {
        converterOptions: {

    Defaults to:

        format: 'A4',
        margin_top: '0',
        margin_bottom: '0',
        margin_right: '0',
        margin_left: '0',
        page_orientation: 'portrait',
        header_html: undefined,
        footer_html: undefined,
        header_and_footer_css: undefined,
        wait_for_network: true,
        wait_time: 0
  • converterUrl : String

    A URL to the HTML to PDF converter.

    const exportPdfConfig = {
        converterUrl: ''

    NOTE: The plugin uses the default HTML to PDF converter delivered by CKEditor Cloud Services. You can provide a URL to an on-premises converter instead. Available soon.

    Defaults to

  • fileName : String

    The name of the generated PDF file.

    const exportPdfConfig = {
        fileName: 'my-document.pdf'

    NOTE: The file name must contain the .pdf extension. Otherwise your operating system or device may have trouble identifying the file type.

    Defaults to document.pdf.

  • stylesheets : Array.<String>

    Paths to the .css files containing additional styling for the editor's content (the order of provided items matters).

    const exportPdfConfig = {
        stylesheets: [ './path/to/custom-style.css' ]

    NOTE: If stylesheets are not provided, the plugin will sent only the default editor content styles to the converter.

    Default editor's content styles: The default editor content styles are applied to the generated PDF thanks to the 'EDITOR_STYLES' token, which is provided to the stylesheets by default. If you don't want them to be applied, you have to omit the token:

    const exportPdfConfig = {
        stylesheets: [ './path/to/custom-editor-styles.css' ]

    Web fonts: If you want to use web fonts in your PDF document, you should provide a path to the file containing the web font declaration before the 'EDITOR_STYLES' token:

    const exportPdfConfig = {
        stylesheets: [

    Web fonts and custom styling: For more advanced styling, your configuration should look like this:

    const exportPdfConfig = {
        stylesheets: [

    Defaults to [ 'EDITOR_STYLES' ].