
ConverterDefinition (engine/conversion)



Defines how the model should be converted from and to the view.



  • converterPriority : PriorityString

    The converter priority.

  • model : *

    The model conversion definition. Describes the model element or model attribute to convert. This parameter differs for different functions that accept ConverterDefinition. See the description of the function to learn how to set it.

  • upcastAlso : MatcherPattern | Array.<MatcherPattern>

    Any view element matching upcastAlso will also be converted to the model. If model describes multiple values, upcastAlso is an object that assigns these values (upcastAlso object keys) to MatcherPatterns (upcastAlso object values).

  • view : ElementDefinition | Object

    The definition of the view element to convert from and to. If model describes multiple values, view is an object that assigns these values (view object keys) to view element definitions (view object values).