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The following article contains tips about the resources that you can refer to when you need some help with CKEditor 4.

# Long Term Support (LTS)

CKEditor 4 is a stable and mature application, backed by 20 years of our experience working on WYSIWYG editors. The CKEditor 4.x line is under a “Long Term Support” (LTS) programme which means that its development and support is guaranteed until 2023. If you are looking for a proven solution that will be fully supported for years, consider CKEditor 5.

# How Do I Get Support?

If you are having trouble installing, configuring, or integrating CKEditor 4 to your application, there are a few solutions that you can try.

# Documentation

First of all, CKEditor 4 comes with really extensive documentation that you should read and plenty of samples that you can try out and even download to copy and implement in your own environment.

# Stack Overflow

The “ckeditor” and “ckeditor4.x” tags at Stack Overflow are where CKEditor developers and integrators can share their problems and solutions. CKEditor 4 has grown as an Open Source product, thanks to the amazing community of developers and users. The ckeditor and ckeditor4.x tags at Stack Overflow work in an Open Source way, too, so you are encouraged to not only ask questions, but also answer them and help fellow developers. It will be much appreciated!

# Professional Support Channel

There are times and situations, however, when you are unable to get going by yourself. If this is a case, you will be happy to know that you can purchase a commercial CKEditor license which includes professional assistance directly from CKEditor 4 core developers. The dedicated support channel is available for you and responses to your inquiries come in one business day, or even in the same day. CKSource, the company behind CKEditor, also offers some Enterprise solutions such as Assistance Package and Custom Development for more advanced needs. Contact us for more information!

# How Do I Support the Development of CKEditor 4?

CKEditor 4 is and has always been an Open Source product. We are proud to be a part of the Open Source movement and are happy that we can offer the result of long hours of work and dedicated contribution completely for free to everyone who wants to use the editor.

If you also want to support the development of CKEditor, it will be most welcome. Here are a couple of things that you can do:

Thank you for your support and for helping us make CKEditor better every day!

# How Does a Commercial CKEditor 4 License Work?

Contact us directly if you want to learn more about our Enterprise offer or if you are interested in services such as custom development.