Case change
The case change feature lets you quickly change the letter case of the selected content. You can use it to format part of the text like a title or change it to all-caps and back.
This premium feature is a part of the Productivity Pack available only for customers with a commercial license. Contact us for more details.
You can also sign up for the CKEditor Premium Features 30-day free trial to test the feature.
# Demo
The demo below lets you test the case change. Place the cursor inside a block such as a paragraph, heading, or list item to affect the entire block. You can also select a text fragment you want to change. Then, apply the case formatting with the
toolbar dropdown.You can also use the Shift+F3 keyboard shortcut to cycle through case formats: UPPERCASE > lowercase > Title Case. Undo changes with Ctrl/Cmd+Z.
This demo presents a limited set of features. Visit the feature-rich editor example to see more in action.
# Installation
This feature is enabled by default in the superbuild only.
To add this feature to your editor, install the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-case-change
npm install --save @ckeditor/ckeditor5-case-change
Then add the CaseChange
plugin to your plugin list:
import { CaseChange } from '@ckeditor/ckeditor5-case-change';
.create( document.querySelector( '#editor' ), {
plugins: [ CaseChange, /* ... */ ],
toolbar: [ 'caseChange', /* ... */ ],
// Title case configuration, see the section below.
caseChange: {
titleCase: {
excludeWords: [ 'a', 'an', 'and', 'as', 'at', 'but', 'by', 'en', 'for', 'if', 'in',
'nor', 'of', 'on', 'or', 'per', 'the', 'to', 'vs', 'vs.', 'via' ]
} )
.then( /* ... */ )
.catch( /* ... */ );
Read more about installing plugins and toolbar configuration.
# Activating the feature
To use this premium feature, you need to activate it with proper credentials. Refer to the License key and activation guide for details.
# Configuring the title case mode
Approaches to the title case change vary. This is why we did not add a default ruleset. You can use the config.caseChange.titleCase
configuration to apply your rules. The configuration allows for adding exclusions – words that the feature should not capitalize. It also provides an entry point for writing custom sentence end detection mechanisms to handle exclusions in special positions in the sentence.
# Related features
Here are some more CKEditor 5 features that can help you format your content:
- Basic text styles – The essentials, like bold, italic and others.
- Font styles – Control the font family, size, and text or background color.
- Autoformatting – Format the text on the go using Markdown.
- Remove format – Easily clean basic text formatting.
# Common API
The CaseChange
plugin registers:
- The
UI dropdown component. - The
, and'changeCaseTitle'
commands implemented byCaseChangeCommand
You can execute the command using the editor.execute()
// Change the case of selected content to uppercase.
editor.execute( 'changeCaseUpper' );
// Change the case of selected content to lowercase.
editor.execute( 'changeCaseLower' );
// Change the case of selected content to title case.
editor.execute( 'changeCaseTitle' );
We recommend using the official CKEditor 5 inspector for development and debugging. It will give you tons of useful information about the state of the editor such as internal data structures, selection, commands, and many more.
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