CKEditor 4 WYSIWYG Editor Vue Integration Documentation
The Vue integration allows you to implement CKEditor 4 as a Vue component, using the <ckeditor />
The following examples showcase the most important features of the CKEditor 4 WYSIWYG editor Vue integration.
Click the tab below to change an example.
Classic WYSIWYG editor
To use the CKEditor 4 classic editor in Vue, create a new <ckeditor />
component. The initial data of the editor can be set with the value
Rich Text Editor, editor1
Editor toolbars
Press ALT 0 for help
◢Elements path Inline WYSIWYG editor
To use the CKEditor 4 inline editor in Vue, set the type
directive of <ckeditor />
to inline
This is a CKEditor 4 WYSIWYG editor instance created with ️Vue.
Get Sample Source Code
- Classic editor
<div id="app"> <ckeditor value="<p>This is a CKEditor 4 WYSIWYG editor instance created with ️Vue.</p>"></ckeditor> </div> <script> Vue.use( CKEditor ); new Vue( { el: '#app' } ); </script>
- Inline editor
<div id="app"> <ckeditor type="inline" value="<p>This is a CKEditor 4 WYSIWYG editor instance created with ️Vue.</p>"></ckeditor> </div> <script> Vue.use( CKEditor ); new Vue( { el: '#app' } ); </script>
- Editor with custom event handlers and configuration
<div id="app"> <ckeditor @ready="logEvent('ready', $event)" @focus="logEvent('focus', $event)" @blur="logEvent('blur', $event)" @input="logEvent('input', $event)" :config="editorConfig" :value="editorData" ></ckeditor> <section> <h3>Events log</h3> <small>To check additional details about every event, consult the console in the browser developer tools.</small> <div class="event-log"> <ul> <li v-for="event of events"> {{ event.timestamp }} - {{ }} </li> </ul> </div> <button v-on:click="clearEventsLog()">Clear events log</button> </section> </div> <script> Vue.use( CKEditor ); new Vue( { el: '#app', data: function() { return { events: [], editorData: 'This is a CKEditor 4 WYSIWYG editor instance created with Vue.', editorConfig: { toolbar: [ [ 'Source' ], [ 'Styles', 'Format', 'Font', 'FontSize' ], [ 'Bold', 'Italic' ], [ 'Undo', 'Redo' ], [ 'About' ] ] } }; }, methods: { logEvent: function( eventName, event ) { if ( > 19 ) {; } const eventData = { name: eventName, timestamp: this.getCurrentTimestamp() } eventData ); console.log( eventData.timestamp,, event ); }, getCurrentTimestamp: function() { return new Intl.DateTimeFormat( 'en', { hour12: false, hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', second: '2-digit' } ).format( new Date() ); }, clearEventsLog: function() { = []; } } } ); </script>
- Two-way data binding
<div id="app"> <p> <textarea id="editor-editor" class="source-editor" v-model.lazy="editorData">