guideCustom category icon

If you want to change the default category icon, use the categories.icons configuration option.

CKBox.mount(document.querySelector('#ckbox'), {
    tokenUrl: 'https://your.token.url',
    dialog: true,
    categories: {
        icons: {
            Images: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M12.395 2.553a1 1 0 00-1.45-.385c-.345.23-.614.558-.822.88-.214.33-.403.713-.57 1.116-.334.804-.614 1.768-.84 2.734a31.365 31.365 0 00-.613 3.58 2.64 2.64 0 01-.945-1.067c-.328-.68-.398-1.534-.398-2.654A1 1 0 005.05 6.05 6.981 6.981 0 003 11a7 7 0 1011.95-4.95c-.592-.591-.98-.985-1.348-1.467-.363-.476-.724-1.063-1.207-2.03zM12.12 15.12A3 3 0 017 13s.879.5 2.5.5c0-1 .5-4 1.25-4.5.5 1 .786 1.293 1.371 1.879A2.99 2.99 0 0113 13a2.99 2.99 0 01-.879 2.121z" /></svg>',
            // Category can be referenced by ID
            // 'fdf2a647-b67f-4a6c-b692-5ba1dc1ed87b': '<svg...'

Click the button below to open the CKBox instance with a fancy flame icon set for the Images category.