
# 1.2.1 (28.11.2022)

# Features

  • Introduced keyboard support for the Search feature.
    It is now possible to open the search window using standard keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+F or Cmd+F.
  • Search results are now remembered between web page reloads until intentionally closed by the user.
  • Introduced sorting of the assets in the search results view.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused duplicated upload file requests.
    In some circumstances, CKBox sent double HTTP requests with uploaded files. Usually, these unnecessary requests were canceled, but sometimes it resulted in files being uploaded twice into CKBox.
  • Upload progress is no longer visible if the image resolution exceeds the limits.
    The progress bar of the image was unnecessarily visible if the image resolution exceeded the allowed limits.
  • Fixed stacking of the file preview.
    In some cases, file preview might have been overlapped by elements on the host application. CSS rules of the file preview container have been changed to minimize this possibility.
  • Fixed duplicated entries on the list of recent searches.
  • Removed misleading placeholder in the Tags field in the advanced search mode.
    The placeholder displayed in the tag input component is no longer visible if there are any elements present in the input.
  • Fixed issue with saving file properties when all tags were removed.
    In case the file had any tags defined, it was impossible to remove all the tags and save the file properties. This action resulted in an unexpected server error.
  • The Save button in file properties section is no longer active if there are no changes to save.
  • Improved formatting of the tooltip displaying the details of search entries on the list of recent searches.
  • Fixed styling of the slider in the images configuration inside the administration panel.
  • Introduced ellipsis for long search queries that did not fit in the list element on the list of recent searches.
  • Introduced ellipsis for long category names that did not fit inside the container on the list of categories in the administration panel.

# 1.2.0 (16.11.2022)

# Features

  • Introduced the Search feature.
    CKBox will now allow searching the assets by phrase, and / or by custom filters such as: tags, categories, extensions, upload date and last modification date
  • Introduced the assets tagging feature.
    Assets can now be tagged for a better user-personalization. Tags can be used for searching the assets by tag name.
  • Introduced the assets preview feature.
    CKBox introduces the full-screen preview of the asset image. This will allow for inspecting the asset in more detail.
  • Introduced the drawer component.
    The drawer component will now display asset properties in a more contextual form. The drawer will expand from the right side of the interface giving the user quick insight into the asset’s metadata.
  • Introduced the checkbox assets selection mechanism.
    The assets can now be selected using a checkbox button on the asset tile.
  • Added plan limits validation before uploading the file.
    CKBox now validates the plan limits applied to a given subscription to prevent uploading too large files. The upload doesn’t start if the file exceeds the size, or megapixels limit. The user is notified with the right context message.
  • Added the loading state to the button component.
    The button component now has a new loading state. That is used in various interface places to give the best visual feedback for async actions.
  • Added the upload dialog animation on minimize / maximize.
    The upload dialog is now animated while minimizing or maximizing.
  • Improved the accessibility of dialogs.
  • Introduced active state to the buttons.
    Buttons can now hold an active state that allows creating a toggle button.
  • Introduced the “Powered by CKBox” credit link.
    The free plan subscription will now have a “Powered by CKBox” credit link visible at the bottom of the navigation panel. That is only a thing of the personal plan, and neither the Starter, Premium, or Pro plans have this link.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed bugs related to file selection.
    Asset checkboxes now use different stacking contexts to prevent issues and conflicts with the mouse and keyboard selection.
  • Introduced minor fixes for navigation panel.
    Some layout fixes regarding the navigation panel have been introduced. Those include preventing the resized handle from slipping and adjusting the styling.
  • Fixed the behaviour of the toolbar.
    These fixes include adjusting the padding of the action items, disabling label wrapping for buttons, and fixing the behavior of the elements during navigation bar resize.
  • Fixed minor issues in the upload dialog.
    Previous upload dialog size could cause problems in different language versions. The dimensions of the upload dialog are now larger, and the overall UX of that component has been improved.
  • Fixed issue related to thumbnails alignement.
  • Improved asset selection mechanism using mouse area selection, and keyboard selection.
    The mouse and keyboard events handling has been improved and integrated with the new checkbox selection feature.
  • Fixed stacking context of resize handles.
  • Fixed rendering issues in React SSR sample.
    The React SSR (Next.js) integration sample now uses different Webpack configuration to prevent the splitting of @ckbox packages into separate cache groups.
  • Fixed broken links in end-user docs.

# 1.1.0 (13.07.2022)

# Features

  • Users of commercial plans now have access to the REST API.

  • CKBox now displays a more verbose error when the token validation fails on the backend side.

  • Assets can now be quickly chosen by double-clicking on the asset thumbnail.

  • CKBox now supports keyboard shortcut mapping for deleting assets compatible with macOS. It’s possible to delete assets using Delete or + Backspace.

  • CKBox version is now available from the global CKBox object via CKBox.version.

  • Added JWT token lifespan calculation based on the exp field.

    If the exp field is present in the JWT token obtained from the tokenUrl, CKBox will refresh the token only if it’s about to expire.

  • CKBox now validates application configuration and fails fast if serviceOrigin is provided in a wrong format.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed style cascading from the host application.

    The fixed style reset now prevents a situation when the host app may influence internal CKBox styling by unintentional CSS overrides.

  • Fixed limits in Personal plan.

    After exceeding the storage limit of the Personal plan, it is no longer possible to upload any new files. After exceeding the bandwidth limit, files will no longer be served from the CDN.

  • Fixed counting the bandwidth.

    The used service bandwidth was not counted properly and in some cases, it remained at 0.

  • Fixed initial dialog dimensions if they become invalid in the current viewport.

    Previously, CKBox didn’t check if the dialog became unusable due to viewport changes. This could lead to situations when the lastly saved display settings (size, position) of the CKBox dialog become invalid due to incompatibility with the current viewport e.g. dialog outside the visible viewport.

  • Fixed the default navigation when opening the CKBox.

    Previously when the CKBox was opened for the first time, the first category on top was the Recent category. Now CKBox is opened with the first user-defined category.

  • Fixed dialog header styling issue.

    Only the upload dialog uses a thicker header now.

  • Using icons instead of text in translation-sensitive UI parts.

    In order to make the upload dialog look better in languages where “Abort upload” translates to a long string, we now use icon instead of text.

  • Fixed missing default categories in 30-day trials.

    Website environments created for 30-day trials did not have the default categories (Files, Documents, Images) created at the start.

  • col-resize cursor is displayed all the time while resizing the navigation bar.

  • Fixed missing translation key warning for asset deletion dialog.