CKFinder 3 – PHP Connector Documentation
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CKFinder commands behave just like controllers. They wrap the logic required to handle a request and produce an appropriate response (in CKFinder usually a JSON). Commands are resolved based on the command URL parameter.

The heart of each command class is its execute method where all the processing occurs. The execute method allows for type-hinting based argument injection during its execution.

For example, for easy access to the current request object and CKFinder configuration you can define them as the execute method arguments as follows:

public function execute(Request $request, Config $config)
    // ...

The objects that can be injected as the execute method arguments are:

Defining Permissions

Executing each of CKFinder commands requires appropriate permissions set in ACL configuration settings. Permissions required by a command are defined inside the command class array attribute named $requires:

class CreateFolder extends CommandAbstract
    protected $requires = array(Permission::FOLDER_CREATE);
    // ...

All permissions required by a command are checked using Acl during the command object instantiation.

See Permission for all available permissions constants.

Handling Errors

Each of the command responses can optionally contain an error object, in case anything went wrong on the server side:

    "error": {
        "number": 100,
        "message": "optional"
    // ...

or for commands that can return multiple errors (e.g. CopyFiles, MoveFiles):

    "error": {
        "number": 301,
        "errors": [
               "number": 115,
               // ...
    // ...

Altering Existing Commands

All existing CKFinder commands can be altered using the events system (for example to add additional information or to change the default JSON response). Please refer to the Events article for more detailed information.

In some cases it may be useful to alter the command parameters passed from CKFinder to the server-side connector. For an example how to do that, please check the AlterCommand plugin in the CKFinder 3 Sample JavaScript Plugins repository.

Creating Custom Commands

Custom CKFinder commands can be implemented as plugins. You can find the description of a sample plugin in the Custom Commands section of the HOWTO.

It may also be useful to have a look at the ImageInfo plugin in the CKFinder 3 Sample JavaScript Plugins repository to check out how to request commands from a JavaScript plugin. You can find more information in the Sending Command to the Server section of the CKFinder 3 JavaScript Documentation.

CSRF Protection

CKFinder 3.2.0

The CKFinder 3 PHP connector provides a mechanism to secure the application against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks (see the csrfProtection configuration option). The default protection method is based on double submit cookies.

If the protection is enabled, all requests to commands that modify any kind of resources are checked for a valid CSRF token. The token is a random string value with the length of 32 or more characters which should be generated using a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator. When the request is validated, the connector checks for the presence of the same token in the request POST parameter, and the request cookie (the expected name for both fields is ckCsrfToken).

List of CKFinder Commands

Common URL Parameters

Name Description
command The name of the command to execute.
type The resource type name.
currentFolder The current working folder path.


Description Copies files from selected folders.
Method POST
Sample request

Copy two files from the sub1 directory of the Files resource type to the root (/) directory of the Images resource type.

Example of the files parameter structure (JSON notation):

request["files"] = [
        "name": "file1.jpg",
        "type": "Files",
        "folder": "/sub1/"
        "options": ""
        "name": "file2.png",
        "type": "Files",
        "folder": "/sub1/"
        "options": ""
Sample response
    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images/",
        "acl": 255
    "copied": 2
Notes The request should contain an array parameter named files with elements defining source files to be copied. Each array element should contain the following parameters:
  • name – The file name.
  • type – The file resource type.
  • folder – The file folder.
  • options – A parameter that defines the way the file should be copied if a file with the same name already exists in the target folder. The option parameter can contain the following values:
    • By default it is an empty string and in this case an appropriate error will be added to the response if the file already exists.
    • overwrite – The target file is overwritten.
    • autorename – In this case the name of the copied file is altered by adding a number to the file name, for example file.txt after automatic renaming is file(1).txt.


Description Creates a child folder.
Method POST
Sample request

Create the My Folder folder in the root (/) folder of the Files resource type:

/ckfinder/core/connector/php/connector.php?command=CreateFolder&type=Files&currentFolder=/&newFolderName=My Folder
Sample response
    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/",
        "acl": 255
    "newFolder": "My Folder",
    "created": 1


Description Deletes given files.
Method POST
Sample request

Delete two files from the sub1 directory of the Files resource type.

Example of the files parameter structure (JSON notation):

request["files"] = [
        "name": "file1.jpg",
        "type": "Files",
        "folder": "/sub1/"
        "name": "file2.png",
        "type": "Files",
        "folder": "/sub1/"
Sample response
    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/",
        "acl": 255
    "deleted": 2
Notes The request should contain an array parameter named files with elements defining source files to be deleted. Each array element should contain the following parameters:
  • name – The file name.
  • type – The file resource type.
  • folder – The file folder.


Description Deletes a given folder.
Method POST
Sample request

Delete the sub1 directory of the Files resource type:

Sample response
    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/sub1/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/sub1/",
        "acl": 255
    "deleted": 1


Description Downloads a file from the server.
Method GET
Sample request

Download the file named Test.jpg from the root (/) directory of the Files resource type:

Notes This command does not expect the connector to return a text response. Instead, it must stream the file data to the client.


Description Uploads a file to a given folder.
Method POST
Sample request

Upload a file to the root (/) directory of the Files resource type:

Sample response

    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/",
        "acl": 255
    "fileName": "fileName.jpg",
    "uploaded": 1
  • File data should be encoded as multipart/form-data.
  • The POST parameter containing the uploaded file should be named upload.
  • Uploaded file names may contain non-ASCII characters.


Description Returns the list of files for a given folder.
Method GET
Sample request Get the list of files inside the /Docs/ folder of the Images resource type:
Sample response
   "resourceType": "Images",
   "currentFolder": {
       "path": "/Docs/",
       "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images/Docs/",
       "acl": 255
   "files": [
           "name": "image1.png",
           "date": "201406080924",
           "size": 1
           "name": "測試.png",
           "date": "201406080924",
           "size": 12

File names may contain non-ASCII characters, like in the example above with Chinese characters.

The date attribute corresponds to the time of the last file modification in the format of YYYYMMDDHHmm, where:

  • YYYY – The year (4 digits).
  • MM – The month (2 digits with padding zero).
  • DD – The day (2 digits with padding zero).
  • HH – The hour (24-hour format, 2 digits with padding zero).
  • mm – The minute (2 digits with padding zero).

The size attribute contains the file size in kilobytes.


Description Returns a direct URL to a file.
Method GET
Sample request Get a direct URL to a file named longcat.jpg stored in the /kittens/ folder of the Images resource type:
Sample response
   "resourceType": "Images",
   "currentFolder": {
       "path": "/kittens/",
       "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images/kittens/",
       "acl": 255
   "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images/kittens/longcat.jpg"
Notes The URL returned by this command depends on the backend defined for a resource type. In most cases it is required to define a baseUrl for a backend to be able to obtain valid direct URLs to files.


Description Returns the list of child folders for a given folder.
Method GET
Sample request Get child folders inside the /Docs/ folder of the Images resource type.
Sample response
    "resourceType": "Images",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/Docs/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images/Docs/",
        "acl": 255
    "folders": [
            "name": "folder1",
            "hasChildren": false,
            "acl": 255
            "name": "繁體中文字",
            "hasChildren": false,
            "acl": 255
Notes Folder names may contain non-ASCII characters, like in the example above with Chinese characters.


Description Returns a list of resized versions of the image file.
Method GET
Sample request Get resized versions of the longcat.jpg image that is stored in the /kittens/ folder of the Images resource type:
Sample response
    "resourceType": "Images",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/kittens/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images/kittens/",
        "acl": 255
    "resized": {
        "small": "longcat__480x300.jpg",
        "medium": "longcat__600x375.jpg",
        "large": "longcat__800x500.jpg",
        "__custom": ["longcat__200x125.jpg", "longcat__300x188.jpg"]
Notes The resized versions of images always preserve the aspect ratio of the original. When a resized version of the image matches any size defined in the images.sizes configuration option, it is appended under an appropriate key in the response (like small, medium, large in the example above). All other existing resized versions are stored under the key named __custom.


Description Performs basic image modifications: crop, rotate, resize.
Method POST
Sample request

Actions to perform together with required parameters are sent in the actions array parameter.

An example of the actions parameter structure (JSON notation):

request["actions"] = [
        "action": "rotate",
        "angle": 90            // Number of degrees for clockwise rotation.
        "action": "resize",
        "width": 300,          // Maximum image width.
        "height": 300          // Maximum image height.
        "action": "crop",
        "x": 0,                // X coordinate of the top-left corner of the cropped area.
        "y": 0,                // Y coordinate of the top-left corner of the cropped area.
        "width": 225,          // The cropped area width.
        "height": 150          // The cropped area height.

Depending on whether the newFileName parameter was provided or not:

  • If provided, a new file with a given name is created.
  • If omitted, the current file is replaced.
Sample response
    "resourceType": "Images",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/kittens/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images/kittens/",
        "acl": 255
    "saved": 1


Description Returns information about the dimensions of the image file.
Method GET
Sample request

Get dimensions of the longcat.jpg image that is stored in the /kittens/ folder of the Images resource type.

Sample response
    "resourceType": "Images",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/kittens/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images/kittens/",
        "acl": 255
    "width": 1440,
    "height": 900


Description Creates a resized version of the image file.
Method GET
Sample request

Create a resized version of the longcat.jpg image that is stored in the /kittens/ folder of the Images resource type. Resize it to 450x450:

Sample response This command does not expect the connector to return a text response. Instead, it must stream the image data to the client.

Returned images always preserve the aspect ratio of the original (using the higher scaling factor calculated for borders). Requested size is corrected when its aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the original image.

Images generated with this command are not stored on the server side.


Description Creates a resized version of the image file.
Method POST
Sample request

Create a resized version of the longcat.jpg image that is stored in the /kittens/ folder of the Images resource type. Resize it to 450x450:

Sample response
    "resourceType": "Images",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/kittens/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images/kittens/",
        "acl": 255
    "url":"/ckfinder/userfiles/images/kittens/__thumbs/longcat.jpg/longcat__450x281.jpg"   // Direct URL to a file

Returned images always preserve the aspect ratio of the original (using the lower scaling factor calculated for borders). Requested size is corrected when its aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of the original image.

Images generated with this command are stored in a special folder named __thumbs created in the current file folder.


Description This is the first command issued by CKFinder. It returns the general settings of the connector and all configured resource types.
Method GET
Sample request
Sample response
    "enabled": true,
    "s": "",
    "c": "",
    "thumbs": ["150x150", "300x300", "500x500"],
    "uploadMaxSize": "425167",
    "uploadCheckImages": true,
    "resourceTypes": [
            "name": "Files",
            "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files",
            "allowedExtensions": "7z,aiff,asf,avi,bmp,csv,doc,docx,fla,flv,gif,gz,gzip,jpeg,zip",
            "deniedExtensions": "",
            "hash": "8b787e3ea25b5079",
            "hasChildren": false,
            "acl": 1023,
            "maxSize": 32768
            "name": "Images",
            "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/images",
            "allowedExtensions": "bmp,gif,jpeg,jpg,png",
            "deniedExtensions": "",
            "hash": "b8de0a3f3cb3cd1f",
            "hasChildren": false,
            "acl": 1023,
            "maxSize": 65536


Description Moves files from selected folders.
Method POST
Sample request

Move two files from the sub1 directory of the Files resource type to the root (/) directory of the Images resource type.

Example of the files parameter structure (JSON notation):

request["files"] = [
        "name": "file1.jpg",
        "type": "Files",
        "folder": "/sub1/"
        "options": ""
        "name": "file2.png",
        "type": "Files",
        "folder": "/sub1/"
        "options": ""
Sample response
    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/",
        "acl": 255
    "moved": 2
Notes The request should contain an array parameter named files with elements defining source files to be moved. Each array element should contain the following parameters:
  • name – The file name.
  • type – The file resource type.
  • folder – The file folder.
  • options – A parameter that defines the way the file should be moved when a file with the same name already exists in the target folder. The option parameter can contain the following values:
    • By default it is an empty string and in this case an appropriate error will be added to the response when the file already exists.
    • overwrite – The target file is overwritten.
    • autorename – In this case the name of the moved file is altered by adding a number to the file name, for example file.txt after automatic renaming is file(1).txt.


CKFinder 3.1.0
Description Tracks the progress of the operation in time-consuming connector commands.
Method GET
Sample request

Progress tracking can be started for a time-consuming command by passing an additional parameter named operationId:


The operationId is a unique operation identifier that should match the following regular expression: ^[a-z0-9]{16}.

The status of the operation can be then periodically checked with a request to the Operation command:

Sample response
    "total": 291,
    "current": 128

Not all commands support operation tracking and this feature may depend on the storage type defined for a backend.

This command may use the following optional parameters:

  • abort – If this Boolean parameter is present, the time-consuming operation will be immediately aborted.


CKFinder 3.1.0

Serves a file to the browser without forcing the download. This command is useful in cases where you want to use files without direct access on a web page. These may be files stored on a backend that does not have a baseUrl defined (like a private FTP server), or files that are not in the web server root folder. If the useProxyCommand flag is set in the backend configuration, all links generated by CKFinder will be pointing to the Proxy command.

Note: If you decide to use this option, all links generated by CKFinder will be pointing to the Proxy command, and will be dependent on the CKFinder connector to work properly.

Method GET
Sample request
Sample response This command does not expect the connector to return a text response. Instead, it must stream the file data to the client.
Notes This command may use the following optional parameters:
  • cache – An integer value defining the cache lifetime in seconds (this corresponds to Expires and Cache-Control response headers). See the cache configuration option.
  • thumbnail – The name of the public thumbnail file, if a resized version of the image should be served.


Description Uploads a file to the given folder. This command is very similar to FileUpload and it is used to handle uploads from the CKEditor Image or Link dialog.
Method POST
Sample request

This command accepts an additional URL parameter called responseType that defines the format of the returned response.

Upload a file to the root (/) directory of the Files resource type:

Sample response
    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/",
        "acl": 255
    "fileName": "fileName.jpg",
    "uploaded": 1
  • File data should be encoded as multipart/form-data.
  • The POST parameter containing the uploaded file should be named upload.
  • Uploaded file names may contain non-ASCII characters.


Description Renames a file.
Method POST
Sample request

Rename the file foo.jpg to bar.jpg in the sub1 directory of the Files resource type:

Sample response
    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/sub1/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/sub1/",
        "acl": 255
    "name": "foo.jpg",
    "renamed": 1


Description Renames a folder.
Method POST
Sample request

Rename the sub1 folder to sub1_renamed in the Files resource type:

Sample response
    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/sub1/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/sub1/",
        "acl": 255
    "newName": "sub1_renamed",
    "newPath": "/sub1_renamed/",
    "renamed": 1


Description Saves a Base64-encoded PNG image to a file.
Method POST
Sample request

Save the Base64-encoded image sent in the content parameter as the Test.jpg file in the root (/) directory of the Files resource type:

Sample response
    "resourceType": "Files",
    "currentFolder": {
        "path": "/",
        "url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/",
        "acl": 255
    "saved": 1,
    "date": "201406080924",
    "size": 1


Description Downloads the thumbnail of an image file.
Method GET
Sample request

Download the thumbnail of the file named Test.jpg from the root (/) directory of the Files resource type:

Response This command does not expect the connector to return a text response. Instead, it must stream the thumbnail file data to the browser.

The size parameter can be used to control the size of the returned thumbnail image. By default the CKFinder 3 for PHP connector supports the following thumbnail sizes:

  • 150x150
  • 300x300
  • 500x500

Default sizes can be overwritten in the main configuration file.