CKFinder 3 – PHP Connector Documentation

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Different Folder per Instance

If you use several CKFinder instances, you can use different id attributes and pass them to the server connector requests.

CKFinder.start( { id: 'instanceNo1', pass: 'id' } );
CKFinder.start( { id: 'instanceNo2', pass: 'id' } );

On connector side you can get the name of the current instance with $_GET['id'], and use it for dynamic configuration modification. This way you can make each instance use its own root folder for the local file system backend.

$config['backends'][] = array(
'name' => 'default',
'adapter' => 'local',
'baseUrl' => getBaseUrlByInstance($_GET['id']),
'root' => getRootByInstance($_GET['id'])

For security reasons you should avoid using the instance name directly in the directory path and use a kind of a whitelist. The getRootByInstance() function used in the configuration example above may look as follows:

function getRootByInstance($instanceId)
$pathMap = array(
'instanceNo1' => '/instance/no1/path',
'instanceNo2' => '/instance/no2/path'
foreach ($pathMap as $id => $path) {
if ($id === $instanceId) {
return $path;
throw new \Exception('Invalid instance id', Error::CUSTOM_ERROR); // If no valid instance id was passed.

Private Folders per User

To create separate directories for users, you need to create a simple mechanism to map the current user to an appropriate directory path.

When building the directory path, you should remember about the following that may lead to path traversal attacks:

  • Do not reveal any sensitive information.
  • Do not use any insecure data.

In this example a sha1 hash of the current user name is used.

$userDirectory = sha1($user->getUsername());
$config['backends'][] = array(
'name' => 'default',
'adapter' => 'local',
'baseUrl' => '' . $userDirectory,
'root' => '/path/to/ckfinder/userfiles/' . $userDirectory

Note: When creating private directories for users you should also remember about CKFinder internal directories, which should be separated, too.

$config['privateDir'] = array(
'backend' => 'default',
'tags' => '/path/to/ckfinder/private/dir/.ckfinder/' . $userDirectory . '/tags',
'logs' => '/path/to/ckfinder/private/dir/.ckfinder/' . $userDirectory . '/logs',
'cache' => '/path/to/ckfinder/private/dir/.ckfinder/' . $userDirectory . '/cache',
'thumbs' => '/path/to/ckfinder/private/dir/.ckfinder/' . $userDirectory . '/cache/thumbs',

Storing Files Outside Document Root

In some cases you may want to store CKFinder users' files in a folder that is not directly accessible from the web. You can do this by setting an explicit folder path for the backend with the root option:

$config['backends'][] = array(
'name' => 'default',
'adapter' => 'local',
'root' => '/my/private/directory/path',
'baseUrl' => '/download.php?path='

In the example above the baseUrl option was also modified, so the current file path in CKFinder will be appended as a path parameter. This way it is still possible to build a URL pointing to a file. Access to files is managed by a PHP script download.php which may perform additional operations, like logging, authentication and security checks.

Alternatively, you can use the Proxy command introduced in version 3.1.0 of CKFinder:

$config['backends'][] = array(
'name' => 'default',
'adapter' => 'local',
'root' => '/my/private/directory/path',
'useProxyCommand' => true

With above configuration all links to files will point to Proxy command, and files will be served by PHP connector.

An example link to a file if useProxyCommand option is enabled:


Note: If you decide to useProxyCommand option, all links generated by CKFinder will be dependent on connector to work properly.

Securing Userfiles Folder

On Apache you may disable the PHP engine in the destination folder where all uploaded files will be stored. If you chose a different user files folder, copy the /ckfinder/userfiles/.htaccess file with these settings from its default location and paste it into your destination folder.

CKFinder by default stores private files (like thumbnails, cache, logs) in a hidden userfiles/.ckfinder directory. These files may contain sensitive data, so best practice is to restrict access to them. On an Apache server access to private folders is disabled by automatically created .htaccess files. The best practice is to move CKFinder private folders out of the document root, to make them inaccessible from the web.

You can define a separate backend to be used for private data in the private directories configuration option:

$config['privateDir'] = array(
'backend' => 'private_files',
'tags' => './ckfinder/tags',
'logs' => './ckfinder/logs',
'cache' => './ckfinder/cache',
'thumbs' => './ckfinder/cache/thumbs',
$config['backends'][] = array(
'name' => 'private_files',
'adapter' => 'local',
'root' => '/private/files/path',
'chmodFiles' => 0755,
'chmodFolders' => 0755,

Disk Quota

In this example it is assumed that you have implemented your own logic for checking user storage quota with the isQuotaAvailable() method. You can attach this logic to before command events in CKFinder for commands that you want to check (in case of checking quota: commands like FileUpload, CopyFiles, ImageResize, CreateFolder).

See the DiskQuota plugin sample for the complete source code implementing this functionality.

Logging User Actions

In this example the goal is to create a plugin for logging user actions to a file. This can be achieved using the events system. For the purpose of this example let us assume that all user actions corresponding to intermediate events are to be logged. In order to do that, a simple event listener needs to be created and attached to the events that should be logged.

See the UserActionsLogger plugin sample for the complete source code implementing this functionality.

Note: The UserActionsLogger plugin is just an example. In a real application you should remember to take care of concurrent file access by multiple scripts, i.e. you should use file locking.

If the plugin was registered properly, you should see output similar to below in your log file.

[2015.02.13 13:22:54] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.createFolder.create
[2015.02.13 13:22:59] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.uploadFile.upload
[2015.02.13 13:22:59] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.thumbnail.createThumbnail
[2015.02.13 13:23:04] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.renameFile.rename
[2015.02.13 13:23:04] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.thumbnail.createThumbnail
[2015.02.13 13:23:09] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.moveFiles.move
[2015.02.13 13:23:10] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.thumbnail.createThumbnail
[2015.02.13 13:23:14] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.copyFiles.copy
[2015.02.13 13:23:16] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.thumbnail.createThumbnail
[2015.02.13 13:23:20] - dummyUser1 : ckfinder.deleteFiles.delete

In the example above a generic listener was created to log very basic information about events. When a particular event is dispatched, a more specific event object is passed as the listener parameter. It contains more information about the current operation, like the path of the deleted file, uploaded file content etc. Please refer to the Events section for more detailed information about types of event object parameters passed for particular events.

Custom Commands

This example presents a simple command plugin that returns basic information about a file.

See the GetFileInfo plugin sample for the complete source code implementing this functionality.

If this plugin is enabled, you can call an additional GetFileInfo command that returns some very basic information about a file, like the size and the last modification timestamp. This behavior can be simply altered to return any other information about the file (for example EXIF data for images or ID3 tags for mp3 files).


Description Returns basic information about a file.
Method GET
Sample request Get basic information about the foo.png file located in the sub1 directory of the Files resource type.
Sample response
"resourceType": "Files",
"currentFolder": {
"path": "/sub1/",
"url": "/ckfinder/userfiles/files/sub1/",
"acl": 255
"type": "file",

The above response has also appended additional information about the resource type and current folder, which is the default behavior of CKFinder JSON responses. You can disable this by calling:


Another solution is to return any other type of Response object directly from the execute method.

For more detailed information about commands, please refer to the Commands section of the CKFinder PHP connector documentation.

Pointing Resource Type to an Existing Folder

The resource type folder can be defined with the directory configuration option (see resourceTypes). The defined directory is relative to the root of the backend.

Consider the following folder structure:

└── dir1
└── dir2
└── dir3

where the rootDir is the root directory defined for the backend named default.

The resource type can be attached to the root folder simply by not providing the directory configuration option:

$config['resourceTypes'][] = array(
'name' => 'Files',
'backend' => 'default'

With above configuration you will see the following folder tree in CKFinder:

└── dir1
└── dir2
└── dir3

Using the directory option you can point the resource type to any subfolder, as presented below:

$config['resourceTypes'][] = array(
'name' => 'Files',
'backend' => 'default',
'directory' => 'dir1'
└── dir2
└── dir3

Or to point to a deeper subfolder:

$config['resourceTypes'][] = array(
'name' => 'Files',
'backend' => 'default',
'directory' => 'dir1/dir2'
└── dir3

Avoiding Performance Issues Related to PHP Sessions

By default, the PHP session mechanism uses regular files to save the session data. When a request is sent to a PHP script that starts the session with session_start(), it locks the session file. That means that any concurrent requests that use the same session will remain pending until the processing required by the previous request is finished.

This may be particularly undesirable when one of the requests is time-consuming, and blocks a bunch of requests that are processed relatively fast. To avoid this issue, the PHP connector closes the write access to the session with session_write_close() as soon as possible, so requests can be processed simultaneously (see sessionWriteClose).

PHP sessions may also cause issues with caching of the content in the browser, which may slow down the application and degrade the user experience.

The cache headers added by the session depend on the session_cache_limiter() configuration. The session_cache_limiter() function needs to be called before session_start().

As CKFinder connector does not control the moment when the session starts, it needs to be configured in the main application. The automatic sending of cache headers can be turned off by providing an empty string as a parameter of the session_cache_limiter() function, as presented below:


Adding a Caching Layer in the Backend Adapter

Adding a caching layer to any backend adapter type is a fairly simple task. The CKFinder PHP connector uses the Flysystem abstraction layer under the hood, so there are quite a few ready-to-use caching adapters available that can be used to decorate the regular backend adapter.

Please have a look at the following ticket on GitHub to read about a sample implementation of Redis cache in the S3 backend.

Adding Support for Custom Storage

This example presents a plugin that adds support for storing files in a database.

For the purpose of this tutorial let us assume that the files will be stored in one database table, represented by the SQL schema shown below:


path varchar(255) NOT NULL,
type enum('file','dir') NOT NULL,
contents longblob,
size int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
mimetype varchar(127),
timestamp int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
UNIQUE KEY path_unique (path)


contents BLOB,
mimetype TEXT,

Implementing a Custom Flysystem Adapter

The CKFinder 3 PHP server-side connector uses Flysystem as a file system abstraction layer. Flysystem offers a very convenient way for communication with various file systems using a common API, and allows to plug adapters that can be used to communicate with any kind of custom storage. To get familiar with the concept of Flysystem adapters, have a look at the "Creating an adapter" article in the official Flysystem documentation.

The first step in adding a custom storage in the CKFinder 3 PHP connector is creating an implementation of League\Flysystem\FilesystemAdapter. This interface defines all the methods that are required to communicate with the given file system — for example writing, reading or deleting a file.

Have a look at a custom implementation of League\Flysystem\FilesystemAdapter required to save files in a database table with the assumed schema. The PDOAdapter class uses the PDO PHP extension, which defines an interface for accessing many database systems in PHP. The constructor of the PDOAdapter class takes two parameters: a valid PDO object and a table name where files should be stored. The instantiation of the PDOAdapter class is presented below.


$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=hostname;dbname=database_name', 'username', 'password');
$adapter = new PDOAdapter($pdo, 'files');


$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:/absolute/path/to/database.sqlite');
$adapter = new PDOAdapter($pdo, 'files');

Registering a Custom Adapter with a Plugin

With the implementation of League\Flysystem\FilesystemAdapter ready, it is now time to tell the CKFinder connector to use it. The most convenient way is by creating a connector plugin (see Plugin Development) to make it possible to expose plugin options and configure them in the connector configuration. The example below presents a connector plugin that registers the PDOAdapter implemented in the previous step.

namespace CKSource\CKFinder\Plugin\DatabaseAdapter;
// This line may not be needed if the autoloader can load from the CKFinder plugins directory.
require_once __DIR__.'/PDOAdapter.php';
use CKSource\CKFinder\CKFinder;
use CKSource\CKFinder\Plugin\PluginInterface;
use PDO;
class DatabaseAdapter implements PluginInterface
* Injects the DI container to the plugin.
public function setContainer(CKFinder $app)
$backendFactory = $app->getBackendFactory();
// Register a backend adapter named "database".
$backendFactory->registerAdapter('database', function ($backendConfig) use ($backendFactory) {
// Create an instance of PDOAdapter using backend options defined in the CKFinder configuration.
$pdo = new PDO($backendConfig['dsn'], $backendConfig['username'], $backendConfig['password']);
$adapter = new PDOAdapter($pdo, $backendConfig['tableName']);
// Create and return a CKFinder backend instance.
return $backendFactory->createBackend($backendConfig, $adapter);
* This plugin is a bit specific, as it only uses backend configuration options.
* This method can be ignored, and simply return an empty array.
public function getDefaultConfig()
return [];

See the DatabaseAdapter plugin sample for the complete source code implementing this functionality.

Securing a Publicly Accessible Folder

When integrating CKFinder, you will often want to give users access to uploaded files, so they can insert images or links to files into the edited content. This can be done in two ways:

  • You can configure your CKFinder to serve all files through the connector using the Proxy command.
  • You can make the folder publicly accessible, so all the files are served through the web server.

If you rely on your web server to serve the files uploaded with CKFinder, you should take additional steps to make sure the files are served in a secure way.

Let us assume that you have configured your CKFinder to allow uploading of .avi files.

Even if the .avi file is then served with a valid Content-Type: video/x-msvideo header, some browsers may ignore this information and perform additional checks on the raw file contents. If any HTML-like data is detected in the file content, the browser may decide to ignore information about the content type and handle the served content as if it was a regular web page. This behavior is called "content sniffing" (also known as "media type sniffing" or "MIME sniffing"), and in some circumstances it may lead to security issues (for example, it may open door for XSS attacks).

To avoid content sniffing, you should make sure that your server adds the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header to all HTTP responses when serving files from the publicly available folder. The X-Content-Type-Options response HTTP header is a marker used by the server to indicate that the MIME type set by the Content-Type header should not be changed and should be followed. As a result, the browser does not perform any content sniffing on the received content.


If you use the Apache web server, you can add custom HTTP response headers using mod_headers. Make sure the mod_headers module is enabled, and create (or modify) the following .htaccess file in the root of the publicly accessible folder (for example userfiles/.htaccess):

Header set X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"


If you use Nginx, custom HTTP response headers can be defined per location:

location /userfiles {
add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;

Microsoft IIS

For Microsoft IIS servers, you can enable the X-Content-Type-Options header in your web.config file:

<remove name="X-Content-Type-Options"/>
<add name="X-Content-Type-Options" value="nosniff"/>